
The Sights and Sounds of Retail Media In-Store

In-Store Audio: A Personalized Gateway for Advertisers

In today’s dynamic advertising landscape, capturing consumers’ attention and delivering personalized messaging is the holy grail for brands and advertisers. Enter in-store audio, a powerful and increasingly popular tool changing the game when it comes to reaching consumers in a personalized way. Here’s how in-store audio paves the path for brands and advertisers to connect with their target audience like never before.

1. Captivating the Senses

In-store audio has a unique advantage over other forms of advertising—it engages multiple senses simultaneously. When consumers walk into a store, they’re not just seeing products; they’re hearing messages, too. This sensory experience creates a more immersive and memorable shopping environment. By using carefully crafted audio ads, brands and advertisers can leverage this sensory immersion to capture consumers’ attention right at the point of purchase!

2. Tailored Messaging

One size does not fit all, especially in advertising. In-store audio enables brands and advertisers to tailor their messages to reach and influence a specific consumer. For example, a grocery store that draws many health-conscious shoppers on particular days of the week can utilize in-store audio to highlight health-conscious products when these shoppers are most likely to visit. This degree of customization guarantees that the appropriate message reaches its intended audience at the optimal moment.

3. Real-Time Targeting

In-store audio allows for real-time targeting, which means brands and advertisers can respond quickly to changing conditions and consumer behaviors. For example, during a heatwave, a beverage company can promote its cold drinks through in-store audio, capitalizing on the immediate demand for refreshing beverages. Real-time targeting ensures that advertising efforts are not only personalized but also highly relevant.

4. Building Brand Loyalty

Personalized messaging through in-store audio continues beyond product promotions. Brands can use this medium to engage with consumers more deeply, sharing their brand story, values, and mission. When consumers feel a personal connection with a brand, it fosters a sense of loyalty. This loyalty can lead to repeat purchases and long-term customer relationships. 

Conversely, in-store audio can encourage consumers to purchase a new brand or product. P2PI’s 2023 Engaging Shoppers Report found that 37% of consumers are motivated to discover new products while shopping in-store!

5. Enhancing the Shopping Experience

Consumers today appreciate an individualized and convenient shopping experience. In-store audio contributes to this by offering helpful information, product recommendations, and entertainment while shoppers navigate the aisles. P2PI’s 2023 Engaging Shoppers Report found that four out of five shoppers enjoy seeing or hearing about available products in-store! This enhanced shopping experience not only makes consumers feel valued but also encourages them to spend more time in-store.

Final Thoughts 

In-store audio is a dynamic and versatile medium that empowers brands and advertisers to connect with consumers on a deeply personal level. By engaging multiple senses, tailoring messages, and leveraging real-time targeting, brands can deliver personalized experiences that captivate and convert. Personalization not only increases sales but also fosters long-term brand loyalty, making in-store audio an invaluable asset in the modern advertising toolbox. 

As technology advances, the potential for even more personalized and impactful in-store audio experiences is boundless, offering exciting opportunities for brands and advertisers to leave a lasting impression on their audience.

Getting Started with Vibenomics 

Vibenomics, a Mood Media Company, is the leading in-store digital advertising provider with 23,600+ shopping locations in the U.S. Our platform provides a single, all-in-one Retail Media network, empowering advertisers to deliver an on-premise experience and to connect with customers via display, audio and experiential channels. 

Ready to learn how Vibenomics can elevate your Retail Media strategy with in-store audio? Click here to engage with Vibenomics today!

About Mood Media Company

Mood Media is the world’s leading experiential media company providing music, messaging, digital signage, AV systems and scent. Mood Media’s solutions make every shopping and guest experience more personal and more engaging. Their fully-integrated solutions leverage advanced digital technology, curated and original creative content, and design expertise to deliver meaningful customer experiences that drive sales. Explore Mood Media’s in-store solutions here!

Mastering The Omnichannel Approach with Retail Media

Retail Media has evolved beyond traditional advertising in today’s fast-paced digital landscape. Brands and retailers constantly seek innovative ways to engage consumers across various channels. One strategy that’s gaining immense traction is the omnichannel approach. This approach enhances consumer experiences and drives sales and brand loyalty.

The Rise of Omnichannel Retail

Omnichannel retail is more than just a buzzword; it’s a comprehensive strategy that seamlessly integrates all marketing channels throughout the shopping journey. Brands strive to provide a consistent and unified shopping experience with brick-and-mortar stores, e-commerce websites, mobile apps, and social media platforms. 

The Customer-Centric Advantage

A successful omnichannel strategy requires a deep understanding of the modern customer. Today’s consumers are tech-savvy and demand convenience, personalization, and immediate access to information. According to DevPro Journals’ Consumer Product Content Benchmark Report (2022), 81% of consumers expect uniformity in a brand’s product content experience across all touchpoints. Retailers that can meet these expectations are better poised for success.

Critical Elements of a Successful Omnichannel Strategy 

Benefits of a Successful Omnichannel Strategy 


The omnichannel approach is no longer a choice but a necessity for businesses looking to thrive in the digital age. By harnessing customer data, providing seamless shopping experiences, personalizing content, and leveraging real-time analytics, retailers can meet the evolving demands of modern consumers and gain a competitive edge in the retail landscape. It’s time to embrace the omnichannel revolution and unlock the full potential of Retail Media!

Getting Started with Vibenomics 

Vibenomics, a Mood Media Company, is the leading in-store digital advertising provider with 23,600+ shopping locations in the U.S. Our platform provides a single, all-in-one Retail Media network, empowering advertisers to deliver an on-premise experience and to connect with customers via display, audio and experiential channels. 

Ready to unlock the full potential of your omnichannel strategy with Vibenomics’ innovative in-store solutions? Click here to engage with Vibenomics today! 

The Power of Sound: The Importance of Retail Media In-Store

Picture yourself strolling into your local grocery store with a handwritten Labor Day shopping list. As you enter the store and weave through the aisles, a catchy familiar tune fills the air, infusing your shopping journey with energy. Amidst this musical backdrop, an artfully crafted audio ad takes center stage, emanating from the store’s speakers. This clever in-store promotion, perfectly tailored for the upcoming events, captivates your attention and weaves a compelling narrative.

The persuasive allure of the audio ad not only highlights a limited-time discount on an appealing product, but also provides clear directions to their location in an aisle or store department. Intrigued by the offer, you find yourself irresistibly drawn to explore this enticing deal. Although you initially planned for the items on your list, the magnetic pull of the sale convinces you to try a new brand or add an item to your list.

This scenario vividly illustrates the potent impact of sound harnessed through in-store audio. It seamlessly merges auditory engagement with in-store advertising, creating an unparalleled shopping experience.

In the ever-evolving landscape of retail media, where digital advertising tactics are in perpetual flux, a recent study by Vibenomics in June 2023 highlights the paramount importance of in-store audio as a retail media strategy and its remarkable ability to:

In-Store Audio Influences In-Store Purchase Decisions 

Despite the surge in online shopping and virtual stores, an astonishing 96% of consumers continue to explore the physical aisles of brick-and-mortar stores (P2PI Special Report, 2022). Vibenomics’ study reveals that 41% of shoppers make in-store purchases influenced by in-store audio. 

The power of sound to seize attention and guide decisions is undeniably captivating. Remarkably, 46% of shoppers derive joy from these audio advertisements, while an even more substantial 54% find them informative (Vibenomics Suzy Research, June 2023). In-store audio effectively grabs attention by:

In-Store Audio Directs In-Store Shoppers To Advertised Products

In the bustling realm of retail, where every part of the shopper journey  vies for attention, Vibenomics’ study uncovers that in-store audio acts as a seamless conduit, effortlessly guiding shoppers to the products advertised on the shelves.

Notably, in-store audio boasts a 14% higher visibility rate among shoppers compared to displays (Vibenomics Suzy Research, June 2023). This statistic underscores the effectiveness of in-store audio in captivating attention amidst the sensory overload of a retail environment. Unlike displays that might struggle to influence shopper behavior due to limited exposure and engagement, in-store audio emerges as an impactful force at the point of purchase. Key factors contributing to in-store audio’s guidance include:

In-Store Audio Empowers Advertisers to Conquer Brand Indifference

In the realm of shopper choice, where a myriad of brands clamor for attention, Vibenomics’ study reveals that in-store audio enables advertisers to harness brand awareness and ignite new customers as well as loyalty.

Cultivating a unique brand identity is pivotal. In-store audio becomes an invaluable ally, echoing a brand’s values and personality. Whether exuding a cheerful ambiance or a refined demeanor, in-store audio’s attention grabbing message captivates its intended audience. Through in-store audio, advertisers infuse personality and character into their brands.

Final Thoughts

Acknowledging the influence of in-store audio is crucial. The power of sound is a potent force in the realm of consumer shopping.

Getting Started with Vibenomics 

Vibenomics, a Mood Media Company, is the leading in-store digital advertising provider with 23,600+ shopping locations in the U.S. Our platform provides a single, all-in-one retail media network, empowering advertisers  to deliver an on-premise experience and to connect with customers via display, audio and experiential channels. 

Ready to learn how Vibenomics can elevate your Retail Media strategy with in-store audio? Click here to engage with Vibenomics today!

Partnership FAQs

What is the benefit of this collaboration to advertisers?

The collaboration creates national reach, alleviates fragmentation and brings consistency to buying in-store. Our diverse retailer network brings ubiquity to advertisers..

How does this benefit an agency representing the brands?

Brands demand transparency of buying and insights of the results. This collaboration aligns with the rapidly growing Retail Media investments through our extensive shopping audience spanning 25,000+ locations and 800 million monthly shopping visits to answer both of those demands. Enabling campaign activation across retailers and verticals allows agencies to make a buy that creates impact and influence. 

What are the benefits of a joint approach to these networks?

By opening up all networks to both sales teams, we can drive demand for everyone. Alongside the retail media networks own in-store sales efforts, our teams will add national ad spending across the portfolio. This unified approach, including our top-tier turn-key production services and comprehensive reporting, ensures acceleration of how a retailer monetizes in-store audio and display.

As an advertiser, does this expand the reach I have in working with the companies?

While the entire network is ‘accessible’ today, our goal is for all networks to be on a single software platform by early-2024. Notable retail locations within this network include Kroger, Albertsons, CVS, Safeway, Southeastern Grocers, Hy-Vee, Rite Aid, Food Lion, Giant Martin and many more. This gives advertisers a broad reach across diverse retail segments, reaching over 800 million shopping visits monthly, in 25,000+ store locations and more than 10 exposures per month per shopper.

As an advertiser, does this change who I contact / work with?

Each of advertising clients will continue to work directly with a designated account representative and their Ad Ops Lead for customer success. Regardless of which network the brand is running ads on, your single point of contact will remain the same.

As a retailer, what kind of measurement and reported capabilities will I see?

Aside from measurement supported by third-party partners, our measurement options applied to this network include:

What are the capabilities of the software platform being use?

This collaboration offers a platform for brands to connect with their target audience on a large scale through audio in-store, targeting by:

IAB: Opening the doors for in-store digital advertising and display

The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) has included in-store digital advertising, along with onsite and offsite solutions in its 2023 Retail Media Buyer’s Guide. With U.S. retail media spend projected to increase from $31B in 2021 to $61B in 2024, accounting for over 17% of total U.S. digital ad spending, this growth highlights the vital role of in-store advertising in driving retail media and enhancing consumer engagement.

As in-store shopping continues to attract a larger audience compared to online platforms, the significance of digital retail media ad spending becomes even more apparent. Digital retail media ad spending is estimated to reach $40.81 billion in 2022 — more than triple its pre-pandemic levels — and expected to reach $61.15 billion in 2024. According to Forrester’s 2022 Retail Media Ad Sales Report, experts predict ad revenue growth across retail media networks in the U.S. market will double over the next four years.

By incorporating in-store offerings into their overall Retail Media strategy, retailers enhance the customer experience and enable effective mid-lower funnel advertising, empowering brands to target consumers at a critical point in the buying journey. This approach allows brands to deliver personalized messages that resonate with shoppers, increasing engagement and the likelihood of conversion.

Some effective mid-lower funnel strategies involve retargeting users who have previously interacted with a brand and utilizing dynamic product ads to showcase relevant products or services. These strategies aim to re-engage and remind users of their interest, increasing the chances of conversion and driving sales.

The In-Store digital advertising solutions, as described in the Buyer’s Guide, include multi-touch models and omnichannel strategies, enabling retailers to optimize and assess the effectiveness of in-store digital messaging. This definition reflects the evolving retail landscape in our dynamic “phygital” world, where physical shopping experiences meet innovative technologies to deliver an elevated and interactive consumer journey. 

Mood Media’s acquisition of Vibenomics creates a single point of integration for retail media platforms to access, deliver, measure and evaluate on-premise digital impressions via multi-touch models and omnichannel strategies such as the following:

Brands can tap into the value of retailers’ first-party data to utilize the digital technologies of retail media networks (RMNs) and leverage their in-depth understanding of customer preferences and behavior. The result leads to brands effectively targeting the right customers with their ads and campaigns, maximizing the impact and relevance of their marketing efforts. These innovative in-store strategies can help retailers create a dynamic, immersive environment, captivating shoppers, encouraging interaction and driving sales and customer loyalty.

As the IAB and its members have incorporated in-store digital advertising into the retail media buying landscape, there is a growing demand for modernization from brands seeking simplified and innovative approaches aligned with modern measurement standards.

Embracing the “phygital” shift in our changing ad landscape

The IAB has recognized the importance of in-store digital advertising for retailers and brands who want to engage consumers more effectively at the point of sale. Unlike the traditional, segmented approach, omnichannel strategies integrate onsite, offsite and in-store channels seamlessly, providing customers with a streamlined and cohesive shopping experience. 

This shift towards omnichannel strategies has benefitted retailers, with omnichannel consumers making purchases 70% more frequently. Phygital environments are an advanced iteration of omnichannel retail, combining in-store experiences and the technology of online environments. Brands and retailers must embrace digital solutions and personalized experiences to thrive in the evolving retail landscape. There are various options available for advertisers to capitalize on this trend. For instance, Kroger and Hy-vee have ventured into digital audio in-store to improve the customer experience and increase sales. 

Achieving retail objectives with a dedicated retail media team

Brick-and-mortar retailers should leverage retail media teams to carry out advertising strategies, monetize their physical spaces and enhance their revenue streams. Retail media teams can:

Vibenomics and Mood Media dominate retail media in-store advertising solutions

Vibenomics is a single integration point for retail media platforms to access, deliver and measure in-store digital impressions. With Mood Media’s advanced on-premise digital solutions, Vibenomics offers a turnkey solution – simplifying ad-buying and enhancing retailers’ owners’ management of customer experiences. This strategy equips brands and retailers to maximize and measure the impact of in-store digital messaging via multi-touch models and omnichannel approaches.

Over six years, Vibenomics has helped U.S. retailers increase purchase likelihood by up to 77% using audio in-store advertising. Understanding the needs of brands and retailers, Vibenomics has worked to create a simple solution for managing their owned and operated assets while integrating smoothly with other media in their stores.

Retailers can’t deny the importance of in-store digital advertising. Vibenomics, now within IAB’s 2023 Retail Media Buyer’s Guide, is undeniably positioned to provide retailers with in-store solutions that complement and strengthen the effectiveness of Onsite and Offsite strategies.


About the Author

Paul Brenner

Vibenomics // Senior Vice President, Retail Media and Partnerships 

With more than 25 years of experience in media & entertainment and advertising technology leadership, Paul Brenner served in several c-suite roles including division President with Emmis Operating Company [NASDAQ:EMMS]. As President of NextRadio/TagStation his work focused on global innovation through FM Chip activations in all smartphones for audience measurement, improved in-car user experiences, and data attribution platforms for all broadcast radio. In 2019, Paul joined Vibenomics as Chief Strategy Officer to help develop the go-to-market strategy for the company’s first-to-market Audio In-Store advertising solution. Following a successful launch, Brenner was promoted to President of Audio OOH to oversee all efforts surrounding revenue-generating activity and related partnerships. After the company’s recent integration with Mood Media, Paul was promoted to SVP of Retail Media and Partnerships, where he works to evangelize and innovate the In-Store segment of Retail Media.

Research Shows Why In-Store Audio Marketing Generates Results

The retail landscape has changed dramatically over the past two years with the rise of virtual shopping. But as COVID-19 cases decline and vaccination distribution increases, brick-and-mortar shopping is making its return.

The influx of brands in brick-and-mortar stores requires retailers to adopt effective marketing strategies that drive foot traffic and customer loyalty. While e-commerce will remain popular, brands interacting with customers through various media — print ads, e-commerce apps, social media ads and primarily contextual ads in-store — will keep ahead of competitors. To drive purchases, brands must reach consumers across the sales funnel, delivering a consistent buying experience online and offline.

To capture and maintain shoppers’ attention in the crowded retail landscape, brands must invest in efforts designed to maximize customer interaction. For example, 48% of shoppers say in-store audio encourages them to locate products in-store and consider purchasing — the same amount as with video ads and digital screens. One of many notable findings in the Path to Purchase Institute’s “Shopper Engagement with Retail Media” research report.

Retailers are increasingly adopting audio out-of-home (OOH) — an in-store advertising strategy sitting at the end of the marketing funnel and targeting shoppers at the point of purchase. With 89% of consumers noticing in-store audio, retailers are eager to tailor ad messages played between songs to target hyper-specific, local customers with the highest propensity to spend.

This strategy offers a dynamic — not static — advertising approach. For example, it doesn’t rely on someone to walk by a display or see a posted sign. Instead, it reaches a “captive audience” throughout a store. The report found that 59% of consumers enjoy seeing or hearing about the products available at the retailer and are open to considering purchasing them during their shopping trip, proving this is an effective advertising tactic.

Retailers can customize audio OOH campaigns based on current inventory, eliminating the accidental promotion of out-of-stock products. Customer demographic data such as gender, age and lifestyle offers insights to guide decisions about ad choice and scheduling to optimize impact.

By implementing audio in-store as an integral part of their retail media strategy, advertisers and retailers gain an additional tool to raise in-store sales through optimized customer engagement, a sentiment Vibenomics has been driving with larger retailers in the industry for years.

Despite the current economic climate, retail media has cemented itself in the advertising landscape. “Fool-proof” channels like paid search, social media ads and cookies do not offer the same access to customers they once did. Therefore, brands realize the necessity of building a more complete marketing funnel by connecting with their customers through multiple touchpoints along the buyer’s journey.

Continued investment in retail media, specifically digital in-store media — including video displays and audio advertising — demonstrates these markets’ resilience in the face of economic and industry change. Shopper first-party data will continue to drive these channels, providing a win-win for advertisers and retailers. Advertisers can maximize the value of each customer interaction. Retailers open themselves to alternative revenue streams.

In competitive environments like grocery, convenience stores or big-box retailers included in this report, audio in-store can make the difference in what items people choose. Brands need options to layer their campaigns and highlight their products. For this purpose, audio OOH is the perfect partner.

About the Author

Paul Brenner joined Vibenomics in 2019 as Chief Strategy Officer to help develop the go-to-market strategy for the company’s first-to-market Audio Out-of-Home advertising solution. After a successful launch, Brenner was promoted to President of Audio OOH to oversee all efforts surrounding revenue-generating activity and related partnerships, and recently joined the DPAA Research Committee and new IAB Retail Media Committee. He has more than 25 years of experience in media and entertainment and technology leadership.

Why Advertisers Should Be Prepared for the Summer 2021 Travel Surge

Quarantined. Isolated. Secluded. These are all words that resonate after over a year of living through the COVID-19 pandemic. Business trips turned into virtual conferences, birthday parties converted into zoom meetings, and family vacations were altered to local, socially-distanced outings. The pandemic has not only affected the way we live our day-to-day lives, but has had an unprecedented effect on the future of consumption, advertising, and understanding of consumer buying behaviors. With the rise of e-commerce, digital advertising, and social media usage, businesses were able to react quickly to the immediate shift in the observation and perception of targeted advertisements. While businesses can celebrate overcoming the challenges in reaching their targeted consumers through traditional marketing methods during the pandemic, the next challenge awaits: Are advertisers prepared for the surge of audiences to re-enter the out-of-home advertising market, post-pandemic? 

Following a year of uncertainty and anticipation of the “return to normal,” the summer of 2021 is predicted to bring an immense domestic travel surge. As a matter of fact, American Airlines is expecting to fly nearly 90% of its 2019 system capacity just within the summer months of 2021. Not only are airlines experiencing this surge, but road travel has increased significantly within the past few months. With the increased popularity of road trips expected throughout the course of the summer, car rentals, hotels, and convenience stores are preparing for the anticipated traffic from travelers crossing state borders. Along with the suspense surrounding travel, convenience stores have the opportunity to position themselves to reach their largest in-person audiences since before 2020. Likewise, with millions of Americans ready to explore after a year of isolation, advertisers should be prepared for the surge of in-store traffic and listening ears. Brands have the opportunity to reach a diverse market of potential consumers when propensity to spend is highest, making consumers more inclined to react to advertisements about snacks, drinks, and other travel essentials with the inevitable need to make pit stops while on the road. 

Convenience store locations must prioritize the customer experience in order to become the top pick of the road trip when dozens of options line the interstate. Utilizing Audio OOH in store locations to provide upbeat music and informative messaging while consumers are browsing snacks and stretching their legs will create greater brand loyalties. This increased traffic presents a great opportunity for advertisers and brands aiming to increase brand awareness along the path to purchase. On-the-go snacks, drinks, forgotten essentials, and the convenience of a one-stop-shop will acquire the most diverse audience that is ready to impulsively purchase on the way to their destination. Both retailers and brands can benefit from Audio Out-of-Home (Audio OOH) in-store media in convenience store retail locations. Audio OOH enables retailers to increase sales while improving the customer experience when propensity to spend is highest. Vibenomics, the pioneer in Audio OOH, provides retailers with the cloud-based technology and industry expertise to enhance the in-store experience, build brand loyalty and drive higher sales. Allowing locations to control the in-store vibe through background music, live announcements, and promotional messaging, Vibenomics powers audio channels for retailers, giving brands the ability to talk to shoppers directly at the point of sale. 

Take advantage of the summer travel surge, and get started with Audio OOH. Visit to see how Audio OOH can benefit your business and enhance the consumer experience!

In-Store Audio Marketing Helps the Dough Rise

Lee Marcum, CEO of Jack’s Donuts, was recently featured as a guest on the Hard Stop Podcast where he discussed the tangible ROI realized across all his locations since rolling out “Jack’s Donuts Radio” through Vibenomics Audio Experience Software (AES) and the Vibenomics Ad Market.

The Vibenomics & Jack’s Donuts partnership began in 2017 when both organizations were in important growth phases of their businesses – Jack’s Donuts with only four locations (now with over 20!). At that time, Marcum didn’t realize that private radio networks with promotional messages – like what was heard in “Big Box” stores would be an option that was available to him as a small business owner.

When rolling out Vibenomics, Marcum and his team utilized the software for the promotion of their active deals. They found that during high traffic periods – typically Saturday and Sunday mornings – they had long lines, causing their retail associates to miss out on opportunities to upsell daily specials or promote initiatives like fundraising and catering with their captive in-store audience waiting to order.

Promotional in-store audio marketing messages were the perfect solution. Now, the speaker system in each Jack’s Donuts location is not just for background music, evolving into an entirely new in-store marketing channel that elevates the customer experience, and drives higher transaction amounts. The icing on the cake donut: with audio messaging inventory Jack’s Donuts doesn’t use for self-promotion, they’ve opted in to enable outside advertisers to speak to their customer base, generating additional revenue for Jack’s Donuts through a Vibenomics Ad Market partner revenue share program.

“[Vibenomics] is putting more money in our pockets than the thousands of dollars that we were spending on traditional advertising” – Lee Marcum, CEO

Outside of achieving measurable financial returns, Marcum notes that the biggest difference from their previous audio provider is Vibenomics’ fresh and innovative approach to advertising. Click below to listen to the full interview.

How Audio Can Impact Bottom Line

When it comes to music in your business, there is a lot to consider. All too often, business owners make the mistake of playing the music they enjoy versus the music that could actually provide a noticeable impact to bottom line. As seen in 2005 research completed by the American Psychological Association, music was the key sensory factor in making impulse buyers purchase more, and of those that made an unintentional purchase, it was noticed that these purchasers dropped nearly $30 more than planned when exposed to music in the store.

However, there is no “one-size-fits-all” method for determining what will work best for your space. Outlining business goals — selling more, retaining customers, providing an outstanding experience — can help develop a winning audio strategy. From improved mood, to altered perception of time, to the development of a desired emotion, the benefits of audio are clear. Three elements have research-backed effects on consumer behavior in-store, and should be considered when determining what playlist should come from the speakers in your space:


Research has found that tempo is closely correlated to the actions that a consumer subconsciously takes. For business owners, this is incredibly powerful, as you have the ability to dictate exactly how you want customers to behave. It has been shown that slower music keeps people around longer, which typically results in visitors purchasing (up to 32%!) more as duration increases. For example, slow music played in restaurants caused customers to eat slower and spend a noticeably greater amount on alcohol — perfect for fine dining establishments, or the afternoon lull. However, if a fast-casual restaurant is experiencing a dinner rush and a shortage of tables, faster-paced music can make patrons believe they have occupied the space longer, thus turning tables faster as a result. The tempo of the background music in a space can not only provide a tangible change in the atmosphere of the business but can alter the mood of visitors in a positive manner when thoughtfully executed.


The volume of music also is important to consider when utilizing audio in your space. While most research agrees that the volume of music should match the energy of the patrons of your space, there are a few additional factors to consider. First, loud music has been correlated to less time spent shopping when compared to softer music played in stores. Additionally, young shoppers tend to respond better to music played in the foreground of a space, versus older shoppers who typically stay in a space longer when music is in the background. Determining specific business goals will help define exactly where your volume dial should sit. The Association for Consumer Research found that loud music will keep customers constantly flowing through a space, whereas quieter tunes will help customers stay and enjoy the ambiance a little longer.


The genre of music to play in a store is fairly dependent on the ideal customer for a business. Family-friendly establishments have seen better results when country music is played since 42% of Americans listen to and prefer that genre. However, high-end liquor stores have seen customers leaving with more expensive bottles of wine when classical music is guiding them through the space. Consumers have noted that classical music has made them feel more sophisticated, and therefore, they wanted their purchase to reflect that feeling. This is also apparent during the holiday season, as retailers have noticed higher purchase rates of festive goods when Christmas music is playing versus a non-seasonal playlist. Music has the ability to connect with a specific emotion, making customers feel something in regards to a product, rather than think about the purchase. Additionally, determining what genre most closely relates with your target market is important because you may want to avoid it, as research showed that consumers spent 8% less time shopping when they heard recognizable music versus unfamiliar tracks because they perceived time to pass more quickly.

The right music cannot only help customers stay longer in your space, but also can make them excited to come back. However, perfecting your playlist can take precious time and attention away from your business. Audio Experience Solution can make your job easier with a library of curated playlists, thoughtful scheduling capabilities, and access to professional voice talent to speak directly to your customers — saving business owners time and energy, while still allowing them to reap the benefits that come with tailoring the customer experience. The right music, at the right time, can influence customers to stay longer, spend more, or feel more positively about their experience. Music can reinforce a message and emphasize the influence of the entire, holistic shopping experience on customer behavior creating happier customers and a better bottom line.

Interested in learning more about using an Audio Experience Solution (AES) platform and how audio can revolutionize the customer experience in your space? Request a demo of Vibenomics today and learn how you can start creating on-brand music and messaging for your customers.

Beyond the Logo — Three Essential Reasons to Control Your Brand In-Store

You’ve poured countless hours into your brand — perfecting every pixel of your logo, crafting the perfect slogan to walk the line between “to the point” and “can’t get it out of my head,” and your Pantone color codes are the only numbers you can remember these days. Your brand is your baby, and rightfully so, but what are you doing to protect it in your space?

Your brand heavily determines how both new and loyal customers interact with your business. While it feels like you’ve really made it when your brand attributes finally get the street credit they deserve, these tangible parts of your brand are simply ways to spark thought. By controlling your brand and extending it through your space, your customers are given a full-circle experience that can differentiate you from your competitors. An Audio Experience Solution (AES) allows you to help dictate the customer experience and further solidify your brand in the mind of consumers while they are in your space. The following are some additional benefits that tapping into your customers’ auditory senses can have on your business:

Establishes the company’s vibe

The right music can create the feeling that your visual brand attempts to provide, with the ability to strike on additional emotional factors that visuals cannot do alone. Having your vibe match consumers’ previously established perception of your brand will only improve the overall in-store experience. Pairing your product with the perfect tunes will create brand associations that extend beyond your walls and provide a more continuous experience. With all of the unique features, such as thoughtful messaging strategy, enterprise control, and API integration that only an AES system can provide, your company has the ability to create a unique in-store experience for customers, only strengthening brand associations.

Uniquely positions your brand

The best place for your brand to be is top-of-mind! A good playlist can make the in-store experience more enjoyable, but a well-used Audio Experience Solution can keep customers coming back. Carefully curating the playlist and messaging can target customers in a way that makes them feel like valued members of the organization. Targeting your ideal customers through the thoughtful use of today’s top hits, fan favorites, or the best classics can not only make them feel at home in your environment but also add another sensory element to your brand and make the experience within your space feel more individualized and unique.

Reinforce organizational goals

Promise the lowest prices? Support a charitable organization? Sprinkling in audio messages in-store can spark attention and remind customers of company values — further establishing the brand and keeping it memorable. Additionally, catching customer attention can help them engage in your brand mission beyond simply purchasing your product or service.

Interested in learning more? Request a demo of Vibenomics today and learn how you can start creating on-brand music and messaging for your in-store customers using the pioneering Audio Experience Solution.

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