
The Sights and Sounds of Retail Media In-Store

Unlocking Retail Insights from Vibenomics’ Latest White Paper

Retail media is booming, transforming how brands engage with consumers at the point of purchase. With retail media ad spend skyrocketing from $1 billion in 2016 to an anticipated $59.98 billion in 2024 (Emarketer, 2023), it’s clear that in-store media continues to become a more critical component of modern marketing strategies. However, the true potential of in-store media remains untapped due to inconsistent measurement methods and fragmented data sources. 

Vibenomics’ latest white paper, “In-Store Impressions Unlocked: To the Roof, Under the Roof, In the Zone,” addresses these challenges head-on, offering a comprehensive guide for brands and retailers on how to navigate in-store audiences and gain accurate audience insights.

Overcoming Inconsistent Measurement Methods

One of the biggest hurdles in retail media is the need for standardized metrics for measuring in-store impressions. Current methods are inconsistent because they rely on disparate data sources and varied methodologies across retail networks. This inconsistency makes it difficult for retailers to quantify the value of their in-store media inventory and for advertisers to receive reliable and consistent audience insights. 

Vibenomics’ white paper presents an applicative solution by advocating for clear audibility and viewability metrics. These metrics provide a comprehensive understanding of audience sizing, providing retailers and advertisers with accurate, trusted, and reliable data. 

The Digital In-Store Retail Media Opportunity

Digital in-store retail media (digital displays, audio messaging, interactive kiosks, mobile integration, and experiential marketing), offers significant opportunities for retailers looking to connect with consumers. These channels engage shoppers, influence purchase decisions, and drive sales. 

The rapid expansion of retail media underscores its importance in the advertising landscape, with technological advancements enabling retailers to implement dynamic digital advertising solutions. However, to fully capitalize on this potential, retailers must overcome the evolving standards and precise methods for measuring in-store impressions. This white paper includes insights and strategies from industry leaders looking to navigate these challenges. 

Understanding the Digital In-Store Audience 

Retailers must clearly understand their digital in-store audience to monetize their Retail Media Networks (RMNs) effectively. However, the current approach to understanding in-store audiences must be more cohesive. The white paper highlights the importance of a comprehensive in-store audience measurement strategy, emphasizing the need for strategic partnerships, data-driven content strategies, omnichannel integration, and consumer benefits.

Identifying the Value of an In-Store Impression 

Accurate audience measurement is crucial for retailers looking to maximize the value of their RMNs and advertisers looking to optimize their in-store strategies. The white paper breaks down the components of in-store impressions, such as audience detection, ad exposure, and audibility/viewability. By understanding these components, retailers can create measurable units of ad exposure that aid in identifying the reach, frequency, and impact of in-store media campaigns. 

Creating the Impression Value of a Store 

The white paper emphasizes the importance of a standardized approach to accurate and comprehensive audience measurement. It details the collaborative efforts of Vibenomics,, and Quividi to develop next-generation in-store impression calculations. By integrating diverse data inputs, these companies create a more precise and comprehensive baseline for in-store media performance.  

Delivering Accurate In-Store Impressions 

Vibenomics’ white paper aligns with the Interactive Advertising Bureau’s (IAB) efforts to create a unified approach to in-store impression measurement. By leveraging location analytics and in-store sensor data, retailers can gain accurate impression counts and deduplicate audience reach. This standardized framework drives greater confidence and investment in in-store retail media. 

The Future of In-Store Media

As the in-store retail media industry evolves, leveraging advanced technologies and reliable data will be crucial. The white paper underscores the importance of accurate audience measurement and targeted ad placement, leading to higher ROI and improved attribution. By capitalizing on and testing frequently, retailers and advertisers can refine their in-store media strategies, optimize content, and efficiently allocate resources. 

Vibenomics‘ white paper, “In-Store Impressions Unlocked: To the Roof, Under the Roof, In the Zone,” is an essential resource for brands and retailers looking to navigate the complexities of in-store audiences. This white paper paves the way for a more standardized, transparent, and practical approach to in-store media by addressing inconsistent measurement methods and providing actionable insights. Download your copy of the white paper today!

Getting Started with Vibenomics

Vibenomics, a Mood Media Company, is the leading in-store digital provider with an in-store network that reaches over 170 million monthly unique shoppers and 1 billion monthly shopping visits in the United States. Our platform provides a single, all-in-one retail media network, empowering advertisers to deliver an on-premise experience and connect with consumers via display, audio, and experiential channels.

Ready to elevate your retail media strategy with in-store audio? Click here to engage with Vibenomics today.

In-Store Advertising: The Proof Is In The Data

In today’s competitive retail landscape, capturing consumers’ attention is more challenging than ever. However, new data collected by Vibenomics through Suzy Market Research sheds light on the effectiveness of in-store advertising, particularly in-store audio, in reaching and influencing consumers. This data, gathered in April of 2024, surveyed shoppers of a leading Midwestern supermarket. The sample included men and women, ages 18+, who identified as primary or shared household shoppers. The data revealed the significant impact in-store advertising has on consumer behavior.

In-Store Advertising Captivates Consumers

The data shows that 73% of shoppers noticed the audio played by Vibenomics in-store, while 71% noticed digital displays and screens. This high level of awareness and attentiveness demonstrates the value of in-store advertising for brands and retailers, as it effectively captures consumers’ attention in a busy retail environment.

Further analysis reveals why in-store audio catches shoppers’ attention:

These insights highlight how in-store audio effectively engages consumers and drives them to take action.

In-Store Advertising Influences Action

Moreover, the data indicates that in-store advertising prompts action among shoppers. After hearing the ad, 76% of shoppers located the advertised product in the store, and 73% purchased the advertised product or a similar product. This data highlights the persuasive power of in-store advertising to drive sales and influence purchase decisions.

In-Store Advertising Impacts Omnichannel Activity

Interestingly, the impact of in-store advertising extends beyond the physical store. After hearing the audio ads:

This data demonstrates the importance of a cohesive omnichannel marketing approach, where in-store advertising is crucial in driving onsite and offsite engagement.

In-Store Advertising Is Engaging, Memorable, and Persuasive

Furthermore, shoppers find in-store advertising engaging, memorable, and persuasive. The Vibenomics Creative Studios team can be innovative with the audio creative by incorporating catchy jingles, humorous elements, and unique sound effects to capture the shoppers’ attention. 

These findings underscore the effectiveness of in-store advertising in creating a lasting impression on consumers and influencing their purchasing decisions. By leveraging the power of sensory engagement, retailers can significantly enhance the shopping experience and drive sales.


The data collected by Vibenomics and Suzy Market Research demonstrates the effectiveness of in-store advertising, particularly in-store audio, in engaging consumers and driving sales. With a high level of noticeability, the ability to influence action, impact omnichannel activity, and entertain, inform, and persuade shoppers, in-store advertising emerges as a powerful tool for brands and retailers looking to enhance their marketing efforts. By leveraging the unique advantages of in-store advertising, brands can effectively reach consumers and drive sales.

Getting Started with Vibenomics

Vibenomics, a Mood Media Company, is the leading in-store digital provider with an in-store network that reaches over 170 million monthly unique shoppers and 1 billion monthly shopping visits in the United States. Our platform provides a single, all-in-one retail media network, empowering advertisers to deliver an on-premise experience and connect with consumers via display, audio, and experiential channels.

Ready to elevate your retail media strategy with in-store audio? Click here to engage with Vibenomics today.

Source: Vibenomics In-Store Advertising Suzy Market Research Report, April 2024

The Power of Sound: The Importance of Retail Media In-Store

Picture yourself strolling into your local grocery store with a handwritten Labor Day shopping list. As you enter the store and weave through the aisles, a catchy familiar tune fills the air, infusing your shopping journey with energy. Amidst this musical backdrop, an artfully crafted audio ad takes center stage, emanating from the store’s speakers. This clever in-store promotion, perfectly tailored for the upcoming events, captivates your attention and weaves a compelling narrative.

The persuasive allure of the audio ad not only highlights a limited-time discount on an appealing product, but also provides clear directions to their location in an aisle or store department. Intrigued by the offer, you find yourself irresistibly drawn to explore this enticing deal. Although you initially planned for the items on your list, the magnetic pull of the sale convinces you to try a new brand or add an item to your list.

This scenario vividly illustrates the potent impact of sound harnessed through in-store audio. It seamlessly merges auditory engagement with in-store advertising, creating an unparalleled shopping experience.

In the ever-evolving landscape of retail media, where digital advertising tactics are in perpetual flux, a recent study by Vibenomics in June 2023 highlights the paramount importance of in-store audio as a retail media strategy and its remarkable ability to:

In-Store Audio Influences In-Store Purchase Decisions 

Despite the surge in online shopping and virtual stores, an astonishing 96% of consumers continue to explore the physical aisles of brick-and-mortar stores (P2PI Special Report, 2022). Vibenomics’ study reveals that 41% of shoppers make in-store purchases influenced by in-store audio. 

The power of sound to seize attention and guide decisions is undeniably captivating. Remarkably, 46% of shoppers derive joy from these audio advertisements, while an even more substantial 54% find them informative (Vibenomics Suzy Research, June 2023). In-store audio effectively grabs attention by:

In-Store Audio Directs In-Store Shoppers To Advertised Products

In the bustling realm of retail, where every part of the shopper journey  vies for attention, Vibenomics’ study uncovers that in-store audio acts as a seamless conduit, effortlessly guiding shoppers to the products advertised on the shelves.

Notably, in-store audio boasts a 14% higher visibility rate among shoppers compared to displays (Vibenomics Suzy Research, June 2023). This statistic underscores the effectiveness of in-store audio in captivating attention amidst the sensory overload of a retail environment. Unlike displays that might struggle to influence shopper behavior due to limited exposure and engagement, in-store audio emerges as an impactful force at the point of purchase. Key factors contributing to in-store audio’s guidance include:

In-Store Audio Empowers Advertisers to Conquer Brand Indifference

In the realm of shopper choice, where a myriad of brands clamor for attention, Vibenomics’ study reveals that in-store audio enables advertisers to harness brand awareness and ignite new customers as well as loyalty.

Cultivating a unique brand identity is pivotal. In-store audio becomes an invaluable ally, echoing a brand’s values and personality. Whether exuding a cheerful ambiance or a refined demeanor, in-store audio’s attention grabbing message captivates its intended audience. Through in-store audio, advertisers infuse personality and character into their brands.

Final Thoughts

Acknowledging the influence of in-store audio is crucial. The power of sound is a potent force in the realm of consumer shopping.

Getting Started with Vibenomics 

Vibenomics, a Mood Media Company, is the leading in-store digital advertising provider with 23,600+ shopping locations in the U.S. Our platform provides a single, all-in-one retail media network, empowering advertisers  to deliver an on-premise experience and to connect with customers via display, audio and experiential channels. 

Ready to learn how Vibenomics can elevate your Retail Media strategy with in-store audio? Click here to engage with Vibenomics today!

Research Shows Why In-Store Audio Marketing Generates Results

The retail landscape has changed dramatically over the past two years with the rise of virtual shopping. But as COVID-19 cases decline and vaccination distribution increases, brick-and-mortar shopping is making its return.

The influx of brands in brick-and-mortar stores requires retailers to adopt effective marketing strategies that drive foot traffic and customer loyalty. While e-commerce will remain popular, brands interacting with customers through various media — print ads, e-commerce apps, social media ads and primarily contextual ads in-store — will keep ahead of competitors. To drive purchases, brands must reach consumers across the sales funnel, delivering a consistent buying experience online and offline.

To capture and maintain shoppers’ attention in the crowded retail landscape, brands must invest in efforts designed to maximize customer interaction. For example, 48% of shoppers say in-store audio encourages them to locate products in-store and consider purchasing — the same amount as with video ads and digital screens. One of many notable findings in the Path to Purchase Institute’s “Shopper Engagement with Retail Media” research report.

Retailers are increasingly adopting audio out-of-home (OOH) — an in-store advertising strategy sitting at the end of the marketing funnel and targeting shoppers at the point of purchase. With 89% of consumers noticing in-store audio, retailers are eager to tailor ad messages played between songs to target hyper-specific, local customers with the highest propensity to spend.

This strategy offers a dynamic — not static — advertising approach. For example, it doesn’t rely on someone to walk by a display or see a posted sign. Instead, it reaches a “captive audience” throughout a store. The report found that 59% of consumers enjoy seeing or hearing about the products available at the retailer and are open to considering purchasing them during their shopping trip, proving this is an effective advertising tactic.

Retailers can customize audio OOH campaigns based on current inventory, eliminating the accidental promotion of out-of-stock products. Customer demographic data such as gender, age and lifestyle offers insights to guide decisions about ad choice and scheduling to optimize impact.

By implementing audio in-store as an integral part of their retail media strategy, advertisers and retailers gain an additional tool to raise in-store sales through optimized customer engagement, a sentiment Vibenomics has been driving with larger retailers in the industry for years.

Despite the current economic climate, retail media has cemented itself in the advertising landscape. “Fool-proof” channels like paid search, social media ads and cookies do not offer the same access to customers they once did. Therefore, brands realize the necessity of building a more complete marketing funnel by connecting with their customers through multiple touchpoints along the buyer’s journey.

Continued investment in retail media, specifically digital in-store media — including video displays and audio advertising — demonstrates these markets’ resilience in the face of economic and industry change. Shopper first-party data will continue to drive these channels, providing a win-win for advertisers and retailers. Advertisers can maximize the value of each customer interaction. Retailers open themselves to alternative revenue streams.

In competitive environments like grocery, convenience stores or big-box retailers included in this report, audio in-store can make the difference in what items people choose. Brands need options to layer their campaigns and highlight their products. For this purpose, audio OOH is the perfect partner.

About the Author

Paul Brenner joined Vibenomics in 2019 as Chief Strategy Officer to help develop the go-to-market strategy for the company’s first-to-market Audio Out-of-Home advertising solution. After a successful launch, Brenner was promoted to President of Audio OOH to oversee all efforts surrounding revenue-generating activity and related partnerships, and recently joined the DPAA Research Committee and new IAB Retail Media Committee. He has more than 25 years of experience in media and entertainment and technology leadership.

Merging Convenience and Customer Experience

In an era where convenience is key, trends still show that customers value a great in-store experience. Online retail and expedited shipping have redefined what convenience means to the average consumer and how that experience can translate into brick-and-mortar spaces. “Experience counts. More consumers today are seeking a great, if not exceptional, experience when they shop — and yes, that includes within the convenience channel,” notes CS News on the makings of a great convenience store shopping trip.

Customers understand that businesses have the tools to learn the desires of individuals that walk through their doors and want store owners to use this knowledge to improve every interaction. Technology is advancing quickly and it is expected that innovation is being embraced in order to provide the best experience possible. Research by Aimia, a loyalty analytics company, noted personalized and relevant content has a definitive impact on customer loyalty. The upward growth of both competition and technology put convenience stores in a unique position to create personalized shopping experiences for their customers, especially by tapping into the information that means the most to them, such as community events and loyalty programs. Localizing and customizing the content that customers hear during their brief in-store interactions has the potential to be what makes the experience exceed expectations.

The National Association of Convenience Stores found that the average time it takes a customer to complete their in-store shopping at a convenience store location is between 3 to 4 minutes, including the time spent walking to and from their vehicle. With a short window of opportunity to delight the customer, how can convenience store owners provide their visitors with the best experience to keep them coming back in the face of many equally convenient alternatives? President and CEO of Sheetz convenience stores noted that “figuring out ways to disrupt from within, while keeping an eye on those also seeking to sell convenience” is the key to continuing success. C-Stores must find a way to merge personalized content with innovative technology to reach customers directly at the point of sale.

Audio Experience Software (AES), like Vibenomics, provides the technology platform to create a unique and personalized experience for the customer during the duration of their visit through the power of curated music and messaging. Indiana-based Ricker’s convenience stores utilize the Vibenomics AES platform in their 56 locations to communicate with their customers and promote items such as food or beverage offeringsloyalty programs, and localized sports recaps and weather reports without the addition of visual clutter or low-impact marketing efforts. “[With Vibenomics] we have a great platform to produce commercials and change commercials on the fly and to make sure that we are getting the message across to consumers, we knew we needed to have great audio,” states Keith Broviak, Ricker’s Director of Marketing, “We are able to take that message and create that commercial in the morning and in the afternoon have it in the stores — you can’t do that with any other type of media”.

Interested in learning more about using an Audio Experience Software (AES) platform and how audio can revolutionize the customer experience in your space? Request a demo of Vibenomics today and learn how you can start creating on-brand music and messaging for your customers.

Everything You Didn’t Know About Licensed Music, and Why It’s Important

In recent posts, we’ve covered an extensive amount of information about how to use in-store audio to create the best, most desired atmosphere for a business. The amount of time, effort, strategic thought and other resources that go into determining every aspect of a store’s audio experience—from dayparting to tempo—are not insignificant.

And yet, there is one area that we haven’t yet examined. That could be because the topic isn’t nearly as fun as thinking about holiday vibes and creative in-store announcements. While many businesses use music to set the tone and to create just the right mood, are the tunes they’re using actually legal?

The short answer? It depends.

So, what do business owners need to know about licensed versus unlicensed music? And how can business owners be sure their audio selections are on the right side of copyright law? Read on to find out!

Everything You Didn't Know About Licensed Music, and Why It's Important

What Is Licensed Music? Why Is It important?

Music—including what’s played over the speakers in-store—is protected by copyright law as a way to cover the copyright owners, allowing them exclusive rights to perform or play the music. According to copyright law, if someone, such as a business owner, plays that music for anything other than personal enjoyment without explicit permission, they are infringing on the copyright. That means the copyright owner has the right to sue for damages. Yes, a business owner can be sued for playing copyright protected music in their stores, and the cost of doing so can be very high. Courts can order damage recovery to the tune (get it?) of $750 to $150,000 per violation, depending on what the courts decide is reasonable.

However, there is an opportunity for businesses to use music legally to create the desired store vibe through music licensing. Music licensing is the appropriate use of copyrighted music, and it serves as a way to ensure that the copyright owners of the music are compensated when their work is used publically. If a license to the music is purchased, that purchaser has (albeit limited) rights to use the music without fear of infringing on the copyright. While there are a few exceptions, business owners need to obtain licensed music or partner with a technology solution that has a fully-licensed library of music.

Using licensed music to set the in-store vibe is critical so as not to infringe on copyright law and risk a potentially very costly mistake.

How to Get a License To… Play

There are several ways for businesses to legally license and play music over their in-store speakers. The first is through obtaining a license of their own by working with a Performing Rights Organization (PRO). Most music publishers and songwriters join a PRO that handles licensing their work to the public on their behalf. Examples of these organizations include the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP), Broadcast Music, Inc. (BMI), and SESAC. These organizations are responsible for collecting and sending royalties to the copyright owners.

However, obtaining a license from one does not mean gaining rights to all. For example, a license from ASCAP only means a business can play music from that particular organization’s copyright holders, which can become EXTREMELY complicated, not to mention risky. In order to combat this, businesses can purchase a blanket license, meaning they can play any of the music from each library. However, costs to do so can rack up quickly to the tune of at least several thousands of dollars per year.

Rather than pay that hefty price tag, businesses can instead work with a technology solution provider that has a fully-licensed library of music. Using a technology that boasts a huge licensed music set list means business owners can stay out of the licensing nuts and bolts, but remain in charge of selecting the best playlists for their business without legality worries.

Understanding how to license music is something few business owners have the time or energy to focus on. They are far too busy with bottom lines, employee satisfaction, and all the other facets that go into running a successful company.

So, rather than pay or hire a lawyer to negotiate licensing deals, why not allow a technology partner to handle the legal side and keep the music licensed? Then, all you need to do is curate the perfect playlist and press ‘play’.

Interested in learning more? Request a demo of Vibenomics today and learn how you can start creating on-brand music and messaging for your in-store customers.

5 Ways Audio Can Transform Your Business’ Space

Transforming a space can bring to mind images of sledge hammers and a new paint job. But it doesn’t have to be quite so HGTV. Instead of blasting out a wall or two, a business can be transformed with what is blasting out of the speakers.

How? Great question! Read on for 5 great ways in-store audio can easily transform what goes on in the business.

5 Ways Audio Can Transform Your Business' Space

1. Brings in the right customers

A business space can be made or lost by its customers. If a business is looking for ways to attract its target customer, the answer may just be found in what they have playing from the store’s speakers. Think about it. Customers walk through the mall and hear the same type of songs they played in their cars on the way there. Or they walk into an upscale wine shop and hear beautiful, classical music playing. Since the customer’s preferences come first, what does that target customer want to hear? What will keep them in the shop and encourage them to make a purchase or book a service? A sharp, edgy retail shop, for example, should make sure their playlist reflects its brand and isn’t playing dated tunes. Just incorporating that simple change can have a huge impact on the overall space.

2. Encourages the right flow

It is critical to have the right flow of customer traffic in every type of business, from grocery stores to retail outlets to restaurants and more. The right in-store playlist can help control and manage that very thing. How? By playing songs with the most appropriate tempo and pace. When a customer or guest  hear fast tempo music, their natural inclination is to move faster―the opposite being true of slower tempos, making customers want to linger a bit longer. Think about the audience, the desired traffic pattern, and when it makes sense to kick up the music or slow it down. For example, during a dinner rush at a family restaurant, keeping the up-tempo music going will keep the tables turning over at a regular pace. Later in the evening, however, the tempo can be slowed so maybe those last customers will stay for dessert.

3. Makes the wait fly by

In general, our society isn’t too fond of waiting. Whether customers are passing the time in a lobby for an appointment, a waiting room for their car repair, or even in longer lines at the checkout―it’s probably not their favorite part of your business’ experience. So, do your best to make it as enjoyable as possible! Creative and helpful announcements can keep this captive audience aware of their wait times and any upcoming events or special offers. The right music can help give customers something to tap their toes to and enjoy while they wait. Suddenly these wait times are less annoying and the overall vibe becomes much more positive.

4. Keep the staff happy

Who spends the MOST time in a business? The staff, of course. And what (or who) has some of the greatest influence on the customer experience? Again, the staff. Then it stands to reason that business owners should want to keep their staff happy. A great way to achieve that goal is by using in-store audio. Airing a solid, curated playlist that staff will enjoy and/or an in-store announcement strategy that will keep them informed regardless of the crowds and store size, making sure the staff is happy can be the best transformation a business can undergo.

  5. Improves the bottom line

In-store audio not only helps to achieve these four above goals, but it can also be a great tool to promote new products and events, all while creating a better overall store vibe and customer experience. And how important is the vibe to the bottom line? VisionCritical estimates that, by 2020, customer experience will overtake price and product as the most important key brand differentiator. And what can transform a business space more than a better customer experience and a better bottom line?

If the goal is transforming the business space, one of the easiest and most impactful ways to create a new or upgraded vibe is through in-store audio. While some may say that it’s all just “noise,” that’s far from the case. In fact, it can be the tipping point to making or breaking a sale.

Interested in learning more? Request a demo of Vibenomics today and learn how you can start creating on-brand music and messaging for your in-store customers.

The Science of Grocery Store Music―And How the Right Sounds Can Help Your Bottom Line

Think about walking into your favorite grocery store. Not the quick, convenience mart on the corner, but the grocery store that tempts each of the senses. The perfect lighting, the impeccably organized and colorful produce, the little sample cups of flavored coffee, the signs pointing out the best deals, the smell of the bakery…even the smallest details come together to provide the full experience.

While those experiences may come together to create a grocery shopping vibe that shoppers are familiar with, there is another source that can be just as important in its appeal to the unconscious. And that source is music.

What is it about some grocery store music that encourages us to spend without even flinching? How could the wrong music sabotage efforts? And how can the right sounds help the bottom line? Let’s take a closer look.

The Science of Grocery Store Music―And How the Right Sounds Can Help Your Bottom Line

The Mode of Music

No, no―not mood music, the mode of the music. According to The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, mode generally refers to a type of scale, coupled with a set of characteristic melodic behaviors. A Norwegian professor, Klemens M. Knoferle, found that while marketing teams or business owners are designing an in-store playlist, they often look at tempo, but they rarely look at mode as a criterion. In addition, “no consideration has been given to the potential for the interactive effects of low-level structural elements of music on actual retail sales.”

For the study, titled “It is all in the mix: The interactive effect of music tempo and mode on in-store sales,” Knoferle and his team spent time looking at the modes of songs played in retail environments in additional to the tempo. For a grocery store’s bottom line, the results of the study found that the best tempo and mode combination line is downtempo and minor. Those results are certainly something for grocery stores to keep in mind when creating their playlists.

Speaking of Tempo…

When it comes to the way people respond to music, tempo is one of the strongest components. In a 1982 study, “Using Background Music to Affect the Behavior of Supermarket Shoppers,” researchers lead by marketing professor Ronald E. Milliman, found that the tempo of in-store audio not only has an influence on customer pace or how quickly they move through the store, but also on the volume of sales.

The study found, in general, that fast or uptempo music means people move quickly. Slow or downtempo movement means that shoppers tend to move more slowly. Depending on the goal of the grocery store, one will be more beneficial than the other. For supermarkets or smaller grocery stores, for example, slowing shoppers down means they’ll have more time to look and, subsequently, buy. In fact, in Milliman’s study, he discovered that sales volume for grocery stores was, on average 38% higher on days when the stores played slow tempo music. If that’s not enough to make any grocer re-think their audio strategy, we don’t know what is!

Turn the Volume Down

Another important factor to consider when it comes to in-store music is volume. One of the earliest studies on the effects of music on retail shoppers looked at just that. How does loud or soft in-store music impact shoppers? In 1966, researchers Cain-Smith and Curnow specifically examined how volume affects grocery store shoppers. What they found was that loud music resulted in shoppers spending less time in the store. Soft music calmed shoppers and allowed them to spend more time examining, selecting, and ultimately purchasing products. The goal of background music is just that―it shouldn’t seek to drown out conversations or distract customers from the task at hand.

What KIND Of Music is This?

While each of these factors is important in its own right, when it comes to the science behind grocery store music, genre―or the style of music―reigns supreme. While studying modes, tempo and volume can give grocery store owners and managers tons of great information, the work isn’t universally applicable―meaning that what works for one store won’t necessarily work for another if the genre doesn’t fit.

For example, a 1993 study found that when classical music went head-to-head with pop music in a gourmet wine shop, classical won out. Customers bought more expensive wine with the classical music, enjoying the upscale, sophisticated vibe. Keep in mind, they didn’t buy MORE wine, just more expensive wine. The difference being (according to the study) that while genre impacts bottom lines in an impactful and measurable way, unlike the other criteria above, it doesn’t necessarily mean an increase in the quantity of sales, but rather in purchasing more expensive items.

While playing whatever is on the radio may be tempting, grocery stores should think beyond that. Music holds power, and we just demonstrated the research to back that up, allowing you to take a more scientific approach to your grocery’s in-store audio strategy.

Interested in learning more? Request a demo of Vibenomics today and learn how you can start creating on-brand music and messaging for your in-store customers.

Retailers: Use These 4 Tips to Set the Right In-Store Tone For Black Friday Shoppers

In the United States, most stores have had November 24, 2017 circled in bright red on their calendar for months. Why? Someone’s birthday? Nope―a different kind of holiday. This date marks a little something businesses call ‘Black Friday’. Traditionally, Black Friday is the busiest shopping day of the year and is also considered the kickoff to the holiday shopping season, a critical time for most retailers.

In 2016, more than 154 million consumers shopped in stores and online, which was about 3 million more than the same period in 2015, according to the National Retail Federation survey. With those numbers―and the competition for shoppers becoming stiffer every year―stores must bring their top tier game to the table. Business owners need to think about how they are creating a vibe that now only draws Black Friday customers in, but makes them want to open their wallets, too.

Most stores will have their holiday decorations and lights on, their scented fragrances plugged in, and their merchandise positioned just right for eager shoppers. And, while they may have already tuned to their favorite 24/7 holiday radio station, it may be time to think a little bigger about how to use in-store music and announcements to make sure the vibe is just right.

Feeling a little lost? Well, this is the right place! Read on for 4 key tips for using in-store audio to create the exact right Black Friday vibe to kick off the holiday shopping season with a bang.

Retailers: Use These 4 Tips to Set the Right In-Store Tone For Black Friday Shoppers

It’s Holiday Music Time!

During Black Friday, most shoppers are in the gift-buying, holiday spirit. Help keep them that way with a great holiday soundtrack. Before putting that playlist together, consider the audience the store brings in. The more contemporary the target audience, the more contemporary the holiday music choices should be. For a retail store catering to edgier clientele, however, more modern musical takes on traditional holiday tunes can help keep the spirits up. But, for yet another audience type, only the classics from childhood will do. If the store attracts shoppers of all ages and from all backgrounds, then blending both classics with more modern tunes is likely the best option. Whichever direction is decided upon, a carefully curated holiday playlist is what Black Friday shoppers are after when they’re sipping hot chocolate buying those stocking stuffers. Deciding upon the right tunes will help to create the perfect Black Friday vibe from the moment they step foot in the store.

Keep It Upbeat… But Not Too Much

There has been study after study done on the effects of tempo and how it relates to retailers. The topic of tempo has certainly been addressed in this blog before due to its importance when selecting just the right playlist. A careful balance needs to be created between faster, upbeat tunes and slower, more mellow ones. Most business owners want customers to take their time while shopping, taking time to look for what they may want to buy and, of course, not feel too rushed.

While all of this is true for most any day throughout the year, Black Friday is a different story. Not only are customers typically rushing from one store to the next, but they’re in search of the perfect deal. That means the amount of foot traffic through the store will likely be higher than normal, and the energy of the customers (even at 4am) will also be much greater. It’s important to keep people moving at a comfortable, but relatively quick, pace to keep aisles clear and lines manageable―and, believe it or not, playlist tempos play an important role in achieving this goal.

Keep Shoppers Informed

In the rush and excitement of the Black Friday frenzy, shoppers will rush right on by all the carefully designed signage that highlights the doorbuster deals and buy-one-get-ones. Calm, happy overhead announcements can break through all the craziness and make sure shoppers are finding exactly what they are looking for. And, because offers and availability can change so quickly, it’s worth investing in an on-demand system that can help stay up to date on stock and price changes. Some retailers, for example, may have bigger sales earlier in the day on Black Friday, with prices slowly climbing up until closing time. Because of Black Friday sale nuances, it’s more important than ever to over-communicate changes to customers in order to prevent angry shoppers.

In addition, lines will (with any luck) be a major issue. Using announcements to communicate wait times will help keep customers calm while allowing the store employees to provide the best service and organization.

Remember: Customers Are Only Part Of It

Yes―a huge part, by all means. But who do those all-important customers interact with when in the store? The employees and staff members. Keeping the staff happy and organized with in-store audio can be the missing link between miscommunication and confusion. That confusion will not only look bad when team members are unable to answer questions or have misinformation, but can also put that employee in a sour mood, making their interactions with customers just as unhappy. Happy staff don’t just mean happy Black Friday customers, but happier, loyal year-round customers.

While all through the year in-store audio can make a difference in the customer experience, Black Friday offers the opportunity to reach more people and bring some peace to a potentially chaotic day. Businesses need to use every tool in their box to keep customers happy, excited, and in the holiday spirit.

Interested in learning more? Request a demo of Vibenomics today and learn how you can start creating on-brand music and messaging for your in-store customers.

What’s the Science of Music? 8 Facts That Might Surprise You

Don’t feel like working out? Turn up the tunes and get to it. Finding trouble focusing? Put on some classical music. Need to shake a bad mood? Find some upbeat music and turn it up!

Most people spend a significant part of their day listening to music for one reason or another. They listen during a commute, through headphones while trying to power through a to-do list at work, while trying to make it through an exercise routine, and, of course, while visiting favorite stores or businesses. However, few spend time thinking about the science behind the music and why it has such an impact.

From the unique way the right music can increase productivity to how a certain chorus can bring tears or laughter, the science of music is fascinating. Here are 8 interesting facts that may be surprising when it comes to how it impacts us every day.

  1. Music Can Reduce Stress

The phrase “music soothes the savage beast” isn’t just a nonsensical phrase. Music, specifically slow tempo, classical music, can relax both body and mind. It has also been well documented that music can slow the pulse and heart rate, lower blood pressure and decrease stress hormones.

  1. Music Has a Positive Impact on the Elderly

Recently, a study published in Psychology Today found that in subjects over 69, processing speed, episodic memory, and semantic memory were better when listening to music. It was also found that music improves self-esteem as well as relieves depression in the elderly.

  1. Ambient Tunes Can Increase Creativity

In a 2012 study from The Journal of Consumer Research, researchers found that creative processes improved when participants listened to ambient noise at a moderate volume, but could suffer at a louder volume. It stands to reason that soft, ambient, lyric-free tunes can be the thing to get the creative juices flowing.

  1. Babies Can Learn Music While In The Womb

No, no…they can’t learn to play an instrument or read music, but it turns out music has an impact extremely early on. While it’s hard to tell long term impact, a 2013 study suggests that babies can not only learn a melody played to them while still in the womb, but they can recognize it after they are born. Those same melodies can also serve to relax the baby after he or she is born.

  1. The Right Music Opens Wallets

Interesting research from Frontiers In Psychology reported that if the music gave people “the chills” (meaning moved them in a positive way), they are more likely to give money. And if the music didn’t fit the mood, they gave less. So make sure the soundtrack fits the audience at the next fundraiser!

  1. Music Can Improve Physical Performance

This blog has previously reported on the way music can impact a workout, but it warrants repeating. Scientific studies found that there are “5 key ways in which music can influence preparation and competitive performances: dissociation, arousal regulation, synchronization, acquisition of motor skills, and attainment of flow.” Bottom line? Pump the jams while pumping iron.

  1. Music Actually Pulls at Heart Strings

Music can create a change in the cardiovascular system, according to a paper published in the journal circulation. Unlocking more about how musical rhythms impact physiology can provide insight into new therapeutic treatments for stroke and other similar heart-related conditions.

  1. It’s Not Just People Who Feel the Beat

Flowers grow faster by listening to music. So, according to research done in South Korea, play the mums a little Mozart and they’ll perk right up. The study found that “music helped plants grow at a faster pace, and is evidence that plants have genes that enable them to ‘hear.’”

Music is a powerful thing—much more so than most even realize. As the research grows, so does our love for and desire to have music in our lives.

Interested in learning more? Request a demo of Vibenomics today and learn how you can start creating on-brand music and messaging for your customers.

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