
The Sights and Sounds of Retail Media In-Store

Vibenomics is Redefining Retail Media

Vibenomics, a pioneer in in-store audio advertising, has teamed up with Microsoft Advertising to transform the retail media landscape. This innovative partnership harnesses Vibenomics‘ expansive network of over 170 million unique monthly shoppers, delivering an efficient, scalable, and easily implementable solution that seamlessly links digital campaigns to physical shopping experiences.

This extensive reach establishes an ideal partnership for collaborating and integrating in-store channels. Vibenomics supplies the hardware, while Microsoft Retail Media handles measurement, offering unified reporting and attribution across channels. This pilot aimed to develop an omnichannel retail media solution that merged onsite and in-store channels.

Unified Solution

Vibenomics collaboration with Microsoft Advertising is a game-changer for several reasons. Firstly, it offers a unified solution for the programmatic deployment of digital and in-store media, complete with robust measurement and attribution capabilities. This approach measures the influence of joint exposure across channels and ensures that brands can effectively track the impact of their campaigns.

Post-Covid Shift

Secondly, in a post-Covid world where brands are reallocating their marketing investments to focus more on in-store sales, programmatic in-store media offers a swift and effective way to reach customers within critical retailers. This shift in strategy highlights the importance of integrating digital and physical marketing efforts to drive sales and enhance the overall customer experience.

No More Disconnect

Another key benefit of this partnership is eliminating the disconnect between brand marketing and in-store consumer behavior. Programmatic in-store media enables brands to launch and adjust campaigns quickly, aligning with the faster timelines of digital media. This agility ensures that brands stay ahead of the competition and capitalize on emerging trends in real-time.

Omnichannel Excellence

Lastly, this partnership sets a new standard for retail media by offering integrated onsite, offsite, and in-store capabilities. This omnichannel approach allows brands to engage with customers at every touchpoint, delivering a seamless and cohesive brand experience across all channels. 

The success of this approach is exemplified in our work with a leading CPG brand, where we achieved remarkable results. By combining onsite, offsite, and in-store strategies, we helped the brand achieve a:

These outcomes underscore the significance of integrating in-store audio with e-commerce as a retail media strategy. The end result is a compelling case for brands looking to enhance their market effectiveness and deliver impactful experiences to their customers.

Final Thoughts

The collaboration between Vibenomics and Microsoft Advertising marks a significant milestone in the evolution of retail media. By leveraging the power of in-store audio advertising and digital marketing tactics, brands can now create more impactful campaigns that drive sales and enhance the overall customer experience.

“We’re excited about collaborating with Microsoft Advertising to bring omnichannel retail media capabilities in-store. Our expertise in infusing in-store audio and display experiences within the broader shopping journey complements Microsoft’s strength in measuring true campaign impact across online and offline touchpoints. This integration demonstrates the vast potential of unifying digital and physical channels to immerse audiences while providing advertisers transparency into what messages inspire action.”

Paul Brenner, SVP of Retail Media and Partnerships at Vibenomics, a Mood Media Company

Getting Started with Vibenomics

Vibenomics, a Mood Media Company, is the leading in-store digital provider with a combined in-store network with Stingray Advertising that reaches over 170 million monthly unique shoppers and 1 billion monthly shopping visits in the United States. Our platform provides a single, all-in-one retail media network, empowering advertisers to deliver an on-premise experience and to connect with consumers via display, audio, and experiential channels. 

Ready to enhance your in-store advertising game with in-store audio? Engage with Vibenomics today and make 2024 a year of unparalleled success for your in-store campaigns.

Now Launching: Open RTB Support for Audio-Only Out-of-Home

The Trade Desk is first-to-market omnichannel DSP to support audio out-of-home through partnership with Vistar Media

Vistar Media, the leading global provider of programmatic technology for digital out-of-home (DOOH), today announced the extension of OpenRTB integrations to include audio-only out-of-home. The Trade Desk is the first omnichannel demand-side platform (DSP) to support this extension, allowing them to programmatically purchase audio inventory from networks such as Vibenomics. 

An emerging category within the out-of-home media landscape, audio OOH allows brands to influence consumers with engaging messaging seamlessly blended into a retail environment.  

“With the growth we’ve seen from both DOOH and Audio as separate emerging channels, it was the logical next step to expand our omni-channel offering into audio OOH,” said Maggie Mattingley, Senior Manager of Inventory Partnerships, The Trade Desk. “Through Vistar’s new audio capability, we continue to provide the best possible digital media available for advertisers and agencies to deliver a holistic digital advertising campaign.”

“Exposing our unique audio inventory to omnichannel DSPs such as The Trade Desk to transact against Audio Out-of-Home is a logical next step in the growth trajectory for our network and the industry at large,” said Paul Brenner, CSO and president of AOOH, Vibenomics. “The reach of our audio network combined with Vistar’s market-leading SSP capabilities helps the buy-side flex their programmatic spending, target specific market areas, provide brand support and measurement such as incremental lift and return on ad spend.” 

For more information about Vistar, please direct inquiries to

About Vistar Media:

Vistar Media is a geospatial technology company bridging the space between advertising ecosystems and consumer movement patterns. Founded in 2012, Vistar created the first and only universal marketplace for out-of-home media, building a programmatic platform that has been widely adopted by buyers and sellers. Vistar provides marketers with unprecedented access to consumers at the right place and right time, through a data agnostic system for analyzing consumer movement patterns and activating cross-screen mobile and out-of-home media. For more information, visit

About Vibenomics:

Vibenomics, Inc. is a location-based Audio Out-of-Home™ advertising and experience company that powers audio channels for retailers, giving brands the ability to talk to shoppers directly at the point of sale. With its powerful cloud-based technology, licensed background music library, data integration capabilities, full-service team of audio experience experts, and network of on-demand professional voice talent, the company provides the right revenue-enhancing vibe for over 120 advertisers in more than 6,000 locations across 49 states, reaching over 200 million people.

Delivered through flexible plug-and-play, proprietary, IoT enabled media players, Vibenomics dynamically broadcasts hyper-targeted, on-demand audio advertisements and curated playlists within any combination of locations across its swiftly growing national footprint, unlocking a powerful new shopper marketing channel for reaching consumers during the critical final footsteps along the path to purchase. Through a first-of-its-kind partner program, retailers can receive a portion of revenue for all advertisements sold by Vibenomics that play within their locations, giving them the ability to monetize their private airwaves and transform a legacy expense into a new profit center.

The Power of Choice and Scale in Programmatic Advertising

You are driving home from work contemplating what you will fix for dinner tonight, when you pass a billboard on the side of the road prompting you to pick up ingredients for your favorite casserole before calling it a day. On your commute to work the next morning, the same billboard shows an ad for breakfast biscuits, reminding you that you forgot to grab breakfast on the way out the door. So, you pull over to the nearest convenience store and make an impulsive purchase as a result of seeing the ad. This is the power of programmatic advertising

Programmatic advertising is the method of purchasing and trading digital media using technology to execute buying commands through a public platform. Buying digital media in an automated fashion allows advertisers to purchase in an efficient and effective manner. Traditional Out-of-Home advertising methods were stagnant – billboards and signage that presented the same ad for months on end to a broad, catch-all audience. Today, various forms of Digital Out-of-Home advertising enable advertisers to programmatically target the right audience, in the right place, at the right time. Through the years, consumers have changed their media consumption, with more consumption going digital. Instead of traditional methods, consumers have fragmented their media behavior and consumption across a plethora of screens and mobile devices. With the movement to digital advertising, programmatic now accounts for over half of digital advertisement placements.

The power of programmatic lies in choice and scale. With programmatic, the advertiser chooses what ad impressions they want instead of the publisher doing it for them. Programmatic allows advertisers to engage with consumers at different points along the path to purchase, providing the greatest opportunity to influence purchase decisions. This choice in ad placement allows advertisers to be seen and heard in the right place, at the right time, by the right audience. Thus, the power of choice in programmatic has the ability to increase return on ad spend (ROAS) given that brands reach the type of impressions they are intending to land. Not only does programmatic impact sales, it provides insights and analysis on how the ads are performing. Purchasing programmatically offers marketers and advertisers insight of what channels are worth investing in and how it affects a brand’s media mix.

The reach and scale of programmatic through public platforms provides ample opportunities for brands to reach their targeted audiences beyond the initial publisher or website. To put it into perspective, Facebook reaches an audience of 2.31 billion per day and YouTube reaches an audience of 1 billion per day with their advertisements. Programmatic platform, The Trade Desk, however, reaches over 4 billion potential consumers per day. The omnichannel approach of programmatic advertising ensures that retailers’ targeted audiences will receive relevant ads regarding products or services they are likely to purchase, rather than random, overarching advertisements that do not provide as much value to them as a consumer. This method shares a more holistic view of the customer, reaching them with the same ad on multiple devices simultaneously. 

The future of advertising is programmatic. The ability to choose, on a large scale, when and where your audience will encounter your advertisements is a major contributor to increased brand recognition and sales. Vibenomics, the pioneer in Audio Out-of-Home Advertising, provides brands with a programmatic offering that allows advertisements to be heard by target consumers directly at the point of purchase when propensity to spend is highest. To get started with Vibenomics and unlock the power of programmatic advertising, visit

Vibenomics Named to AdExchanger’s List of Top Strategic Partners

Vibenomics is thrilled to announce its placement among industry leaders on AdExchanger’s inaugural list of Programmatic Power Players 2020. Our company along with 59 other programmatic agencies, DCO platforms, DSPs, SSPs, data providers, measurement specialists, and consultants have been recognized as leaders in marketing technology. Together, these companies are helping brands and businesses globally to more effectively and efficiently reach their target audiences, especially during a year where traditional playbooks had to be set aside and innovation had to step in. 

Programmatic innovation was critical in such an unprecedented year. More than ever before, advertisers were seeking flexible and automated advertising solutions that are adaptable to the ever-changing world we are experiencing today. The Vibenomics Audio Out-of-Home advertising solution and our integration with Vistar Media – also selected as a Programmatic Power Player – allows brands and advertisers to purchase audio inventory at the point-of-sale in a way that best accommodates the current market needs.

“As a young company with visions of leading the charge for Audio OOH, validation of our capability by AdExchanger is astounding. Programmatic is a key component in Vibenomics overall capability while looking to the future and how we can better serve our customers.”

– Paul Brenner, President – Audio OOH & Chief Strategy Officer

Based on the power of our offering, strong client referrals, and proven results from campaign case studies, we are honored to receive this valuable third-party validation from a trusted source within the advertising industry and excited to continue to bring a new offering to market.

Read more about the award:

Vibenomics Expands Programmatic Offerings with Launch of Open Exchange and Private Marketplace Deals via Vistar Media

Partnership with Vistar Media extends AOOH offering to reach in-store retailers at the point-of-purchase.

Vistar Media, the leading global provider of software for Digital-Out-of-Home (DOOH), is launching the first real-time bidding exchange for Audio-Out-of-Home™ advertising (AOOH). This offering is available via Vistar’s open exchange or through private marketplace (PMP) deals.

Earlier this year, Vistar partnered with Vibenomics, a location-based AOOH advertising and experience company, to embrace AOOH and all that it provides advertisers when reaching consumers at the point-of-purchase. Now, advertisers have the ability to purchase AOOH programmatically either as part of an audience-driven open exchange campaign or through a custom PMP. 

“Vibenomics’ unique inventory is the perfect extension of strategies advertisers are already using to engage with consumers in retail environments,” said Michael Provenzano, CEO and co-founder, Vistar Media. “Enabling audio out-of-home expands the value of programmatic for marketers seeking to launch quick messaging turnaround at the point-of-sale.”

The adoption of programmatic AOOH has grown dramatically over the past year. According to a report from the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) U.S ad and audio spendings increased by thirty percent in the first half of 2019 to $1.2 billion. With so many advertisers eager to influence consumer choices in the short consideration window surrounding purchases, extending in-retail out-of-home to include audio provides a perfect solution thanks to today’s programmatic technology.

“Digital Out-of-Home started to take shape ten years ago and has been accelerating these past five years as better technologies, integrations and standards emerge,” said Paul Brenner, president of AOOH at Vibenomics. “Now having Audio Out-of-Home on an open exchange, we are offering the advancements that have occurred in both Digital-Out-of-Home and streaming and audio advertising.”

For more information about Vistar Media, visit For more information about Vibenomics, visit

About Vistar Media

Vistar Media is the world’s leading end-to-end programmatic ecosystem for digital out-of-home (DOOH). Vistar Media’s demand-side platform (DSP) and supply-side platform (SSP) empower buyers and sellers to easily transact on DOOH inventory while applying intelligent data insights that improve media performance. Vistar’s SaaS solutions (unified ad server and Cortex for device and content management) deliver enterprise-grade solutions for monetizing and operating digital signage networks at any scale. Through its global reach, direct platform integrations, data partnerships, and complete technology stack, Vistar Media continues to power innovation and growth across the digital signage industry. Founded in 2012, Vistar Media is headquartered in New York City and has offices across the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom and Australia.

About Vibenomics

Vibenomics, Inc. is a location-based audio out-of-home advertising and experience company that powers custom radio stations for retailers, giving brands the ability to talk to shoppers directly at the point of sale. With its powerful cloud-based technology, licensed background music library, data integration capabilities, full-service team of audio experience experts, and network of professional voice talent available on-demand, the company provides the right revenue-enhancing vibe for over 120 advertisers in more than 6,000 locations across 49 states, reaching more than 200 million people.

Delivered through flexible plug-and-play mobile tablet devices, Vibenomics dynamically broadcasts hyper-targeted, in-stream audio advertisements and curated playlists within any combination of locations across its swiftly growing national footprint, unlocking a powerful new shopper marketing channel for reaching consumers during the critical final footsteps along the path to purchase. Through a first-of-its-kind partner program, retailers can receive a portion of revenue for all advertisements sold by Vibenomics that play within their locations, giving them the ability to monetize their private airwaves and transform a legacy expense into a new profit center.