
The Sights and Sounds of Retail Media In-Store

In-Store Advertising: The Influence on Shopper Behavior

In today’s competitive retail landscape, where 84% of retail sales continue to occur in-store, engaging consumers at the point of purchase is more critical than ever (Emarketer, May 2024). Vibenomics recognizes that in-store advertising gives brands and advertisers a unique opportunity to influence shopper behavior at the moment of purchase decisions.

To better understand this dynamic, Vibenomics conducted a comprehensive survey with Suzy Market Research that gathered insights from 1,070 shoppers between the ages of 18 and 73. These participants, all of whom identified as primary or shared shoppers of their household, provided valuable perspectives on the shopping journey and the impact of in-store advertising on purchase decisions. The findings of this survey offer a deep dive into the power of in-store advertising and its pivotal role in influencing shopper behavior in today’s retail environment.

The Opportunity In-Store Presents

With 92% of grocery store consumers and 86% of drug store consumers shopping in-store, the potential for in-store advertising is vast. Unlike digital ads that can be easily ignored or blocked, in-store advertising engages consumers in the physical aisles, right where they make their purchases. Consumers gravitate toward in-store shopping for several compelling reasons. A significant 69% of shoppers value the immediacy of purchase, ensuring they can walk out with products in hand. Another 50% appreciate the tactile experience of interacting with products, while 49% find comparing products and prices in-store easier. Additionally, 47% enjoy discovering new products they might not have encountered while shopping online.

These consumer preferences highlight a unique advantage for brands and retailers: in-store advertising can directly influence purchase decisions by capitalizing on consumers’ desire for immediacy, tangibility, and discovery. With a captive audience already primed to buy, in-store advertising is a powerful tool that transforms foot traffic into tangible sales growth.

In-Store Advertising Captivates Consumers

The data shows that 37% of shoppers noticed the audio played by Vibenomics in-store, while 30% noticed digital shelf displays/screens. This high level of awareness and attentiveness demonstrates the value of in-store digital advertising for brands and retailers, as it effectively captures consumers’ attention in a busy retail environment.

Further analysis reveals why in-store audio catches shoppers’ attention:

These insights highlight how in-store audio effectively engages consumers and drives them to take action.

In-Store Advertising Influences Action

Moreover, the data indicates that in-store advertising prompts action among shoppers. After hearing the ad, 37% of shoppers located the advertised product in the store, and 35% purchased the advertised product or a similar product. This data highlights the persuasive power of in-store digital advertising to drive sales, grow share of voice, and defend against competitors.

In-Store Advertising Impacts Omnichannel Activity

The impact of in-store advertising extends beyond the physical store and influences activity within other channels. After hearing the audio ads:

Additionally, 64% of consumers indicated that stores must seamlessly integrate their online and in-store shopping experiences. This data demonstrates the importance of a cohesive omnichannel marketing approach, where in-store advertising is crucial in driving both onsite and offsite engagement.

In-Store Advertising Is Informative, Engaging, and Persuasive

Identifying what matters to in-store shoppers enables brands to design impactful creative that resonates with shoppers and influences purchase decisions.  Vibenomics Creative Studios creates quality and impactful audio ads that bring brands to life as shoppers browse the aisles. By incorporating catchy jingles, humorous elements, and unique sound effects, our team can help brands create dynamic campaigns that resonate with consumers.

57% of shoppers indicated that in-store audio advertising is informative, while:

These findings underscore the effectiveness of in-store advertising in creating a lasting impression on consumers. By leveraging the power of sensory engagement, retailers can significantly enhance the shopping experience in a meaningful way for consumers.


The data collected by Vibenomics demonstrates the effectiveness of in-store advertising, particularly in-store audio, in engaging consumers and driving sales. With a high level of noticeability, the ability to influence action, impact omnichannel activity, and inform, engage, and persuade shoppers, in-store digital advertising emerges as a powerful tool for brands and retailers looking to enhance their marketing efforts. By leveraging the unique advantages of in-store advertising, brands can take their advertising strategies to the next level with Vibenomics.

About Suzy Market Research 

Suzy is a cutting-edge, real-time consumer insights platform trusted by over 400 enterprises across 22 industries. Suzy integrates quantitative and qualitative data with high-quality audiences into a single connected research cloud, providing businesses with the insights they need to make informed decisions quickly and efficiently.

Getting Started with Vibenomics

Vibenomics, a Mood Media Company, is the leading in-store digital provider with an in-store network that reaches over 170 million monthly unique shoppers and 1 billion monthly shopping visits in the United States. Our platform provides a single, all-in-one retail media network, empowering advertisers to deliver an on-premise experience and connect with consumers via display, audio, and experiential channels.

Ready to elevate your retail media strategy with in-store audio? Click here to engage with Vibenomics today.

Source: Vibenomics In-Store Advertising Suzy Market Research Report, July 2024

Unlocking Retail Insights from Vibenomics’ Latest White Paper

Retail media is booming, transforming how brands engage with consumers at the point of purchase. With retail media ad spend skyrocketing from $1 billion in 2016 to an anticipated $59.98 billion in 2024 (Emarketer, 2023), it’s clear that in-store media continues to become a more critical component of modern marketing strategies. However, the true potential of in-store media remains untapped due to inconsistent measurement methods and fragmented data sources. 

Vibenomics’ latest white paper, “In-Store Impressions Unlocked: To the Roof, Under the Roof, In the Zone,” addresses these challenges head-on, offering a comprehensive guide for brands and retailers on how to navigate in-store audiences and gain accurate audience insights.

Overcoming Inconsistent Measurement Methods

One of the biggest hurdles in retail media is the need for standardized metrics for measuring in-store impressions. Current methods are inconsistent because they rely on disparate data sources and varied methodologies across retail networks. This inconsistency makes it difficult for retailers to quantify the value of their in-store media inventory and for advertisers to receive reliable and consistent audience insights. 

Vibenomics’ white paper presents an applicative solution by advocating for clear audibility and viewability metrics. These metrics provide a comprehensive understanding of audience sizing, providing retailers and advertisers with accurate, trusted, and reliable data. 

The Digital In-Store Retail Media Opportunity

Digital in-store retail media (digital displays, audio messaging, interactive kiosks, mobile integration, and experiential marketing), offers significant opportunities for retailers looking to connect with consumers. These channels engage shoppers, influence purchase decisions, and drive sales. 

The rapid expansion of retail media underscores its importance in the advertising landscape, with technological advancements enabling retailers to implement dynamic digital advertising solutions. However, to fully capitalize on this potential, retailers must overcome the evolving standards and precise methods for measuring in-store impressions. This white paper includes insights and strategies from industry leaders looking to navigate these challenges. 

Understanding the Digital In-Store Audience 

Retailers must clearly understand their digital in-store audience to monetize their Retail Media Networks (RMNs) effectively. However, the current approach to understanding in-store audiences must be more cohesive. The white paper highlights the importance of a comprehensive in-store audience measurement strategy, emphasizing the need for strategic partnerships, data-driven content strategies, omnichannel integration, and consumer benefits.

Identifying the Value of an In-Store Impression 

Accurate audience measurement is crucial for retailers looking to maximize the value of their RMNs and advertisers looking to optimize their in-store strategies. The white paper breaks down the components of in-store impressions, such as audience detection, ad exposure, and audibility/viewability. By understanding these components, retailers can create measurable units of ad exposure that aid in identifying the reach, frequency, and impact of in-store media campaigns. 

Creating the Impression Value of a Store 

The white paper emphasizes the importance of a standardized approach to accurate and comprehensive audience measurement. It details the collaborative efforts of Vibenomics,, and Quividi to develop next-generation in-store impression calculations. By integrating diverse data inputs, these companies create a more precise and comprehensive baseline for in-store media performance.  

Delivering Accurate In-Store Impressions 

Vibenomics’ white paper aligns with the Interactive Advertising Bureau’s (IAB) efforts to create a unified approach to in-store impression measurement. By leveraging location analytics and in-store sensor data, retailers can gain accurate impression counts and deduplicate audience reach. This standardized framework drives greater confidence and investment in in-store retail media. 

The Future of In-Store Media

As the in-store retail media industry evolves, leveraging advanced technologies and reliable data will be crucial. The white paper underscores the importance of accurate audience measurement and targeted ad placement, leading to higher ROI and improved attribution. By capitalizing on and testing frequently, retailers and advertisers can refine their in-store media strategies, optimize content, and efficiently allocate resources. 

Vibenomics‘ white paper, “In-Store Impressions Unlocked: To the Roof, Under the Roof, In the Zone,” is an essential resource for brands and retailers looking to navigate the complexities of in-store audiences. This white paper paves the way for a more standardized, transparent, and practical approach to in-store media by addressing inconsistent measurement methods and providing actionable insights. Download your copy of the white paper today!

Getting Started with Vibenomics

Vibenomics, a Mood Media Company, is the leading in-store digital provider with an in-store network that reaches over 170 million monthly unique shoppers and 1 billion monthly shopping visits in the United States. Our platform provides a single, all-in-one retail media network, empowering advertisers to deliver an on-premise experience and connect with consumers via display, audio, and experiential channels.

Ready to elevate your retail media strategy with in-store audio? Click here to engage with Vibenomics today.

PART TWO: Key Takeaways from IAB’s DOOH & In-Store Retail Media Playbook

In the rapidly evolving world of retail media, understanding how to measure and optimize in-store advertising is crucial. Chapters 3 and 4 of the IAB’s Digital Out of Home (DOOH) & In-Store Retail Media Playbook offer deep insights into defining in-store retail media metrics and comprehending the complexity of in-store impressions. This blog provides essential guidance for brands and retailers aiming to enhance their in-store marketing strategies.

Measurement and Data Utilization

Holistic and Focused Measurement

“When considering the measurement of in-store activity, it needs to be considered as both a single-focus (measuring the impact of the tactic in consideration), as well as holistically—how the in-store activity performs in relation to the full omnichannel marketing activity. The in-store activity not only needs to be considered as part of the whole, but also how it impacts and is impacted by other out-of-store and online activity.”

Measuring in-store activity requires a dual approach:

  1. Single-Focus Measurement: Evaluating the impact of a specific tactic
  2. Holistic Measurement: Understanding how in-store activities interact with the broader omnichannel marketing ecosystem

Both approaches are essential for a comprehensive view of marketing effectiveness, ensuring in-store activities align with onsite and offsite efforts.

Measurement Methodologies

“As retail media evolves, measurement and optimization remain at the forefront, ensuring that strategies not only resonate with consumers but also drive measurable results.”

There are two primary methodologies for measuring audience exposure to in-store retail media advertisements:

  1. Top-Down Measurement:
  2. Bottom-Up Measurement:

Key Metrics

“The metrics we analyze and consider in evaluating performance have to be thought about from each of these points of view, as well as to the overall experience of the shopper with the tactic – which will impact everyone.”

Accurately measuring the effectiveness of in-store campaigns involves several metrics:

Understanding the Impression Multiplier

Definition and Application

The Impression Multiplier is a factor applied to ad play counts to estimate the number of shoppers exposed to an ad. It considers:

This multiplier provides a more accurate count of meaningful impressions, enhancing ROI analysis, strategic content placement, and customer engagement.

“Each Screen or Media Device should be assigned a unique Impression Multiplier based on a number of factors including Venue and Zone foot traffic, field of view, and exposure time, and may additionally vary based on the time of day.”


The impression multiplier is found using the following:

“The actual impression count, in the context of in-store retail media, is the count of total shoppers exposed to digital creative and is calculated by Ad Plays multiplied by the media channel / devices’ Impression Multiplier. This can be either throughout the venue (for example with In Store Audio) or each time a shopper passes in front of or engages with a digital display.”

Measuring Effectiveness

By applying the impression multiplier, brands can:

“With the application of an Impression Multiplier, retailers and brands can achieve a more nuanced understanding of their in-store advertising performance.” 

In-Store Venues and Zones

Structure and Classification

Each retail venue is divided into zones to refine the physical location of media and differentiate contextual exposure to shoppers. Zones are classified to ensure consistent measurement and comparison across different retailers.

“Zones must be overlayed to allow for Exposure and Dwell Time to be applied through location-based foot traffic, screen specific sensors, or other verifiable positioning technology.”

Technology Overview

Various technological solutions are available (In-Store Communication, Digital Out of Home, Retail Media, and End-cap/Self Activation) for enhancing retail operations and advertising strategies. Below are key measurement considerations for those technologies: 

“The decision to implement any of these technologies rests solely with the retail owner. Each retailer may adopt these technologies based on their specific needs and strategic goals.”

Engagement and Interaction Metrics

Beyond simple impression counts, measuring engagement quality and interaction with in-store media offers valuable insights into consumer interest and campaign performance. Metrics such as dwell time, interaction rates with touchscreens, QR code scans, and responses to audio messages should be considered across all formats. These metrics help in understanding how many consumers are engaging with the content and how deeply they are engaging with it, providing a basis for optimization and creative refinement, but how deeply consumers are engaging with the content, providing a basis for optimization and creative refinement.

Final Thoughts

Understanding and accurately measuring in-store retail media is vital for optimizing marketing strategies. By leveraging the insights and methodologies outlined in Chapters 3 and 4 of the IAB’s DOOH & In-Store Retail Media Playbook, brands and retailers can enhance their in-store advertising efforts, driving better engagement and higher ROI.

Be sure to check out Vibenomics’ latest whitepaper, In-Store Impressions Unlocked, to discover how to overcome inconsistent measurement methods to navigate in-store audiences and gain accurate audience insights!

Getting Started with Vibenomics

Vibenomics, a Mood Media Company, is the leading in-store digital provider with an in-store network that reaches over 170 million monthly unique shoppers and 1 billion monthly shopping visits in the United States. Our platform provides a single, all-in-one retail media network, empowering advertisers to deliver an on-premise experience and connect with consumers via display, audio, and experiential channels.

Ready to elevate your retail media strategy with in-store audio? Click here to engage with Vibenomics today.

PART ONE: Key Takeaways from IAB’s DOOH & In-Store Retail Media Playbook

In today’s retail landscape, the in-store experience has transcended mere transactions to become a pivotal aspect of consumer engagement and brand loyalty. The IAB Digital Out of Home (DOOH) & In-Store Retail Media Playbook is an invaluable resource for brands and retailers seeking to elevate their in-store environments through strategic partnerships and innovative marketing tactics. This playbook provides key takeaways on how to leverage various in-store media, including impactful in-store audio. 

The Importance of Merchandising & In-Store Shopper Marketing 

Promotion is a cornerstone of effective in-store shopper marketing, encompassing a range of strategies to raise awareness and generate interest in products. According to the playbook, promotion includes:

These promotional efforts inform customers about products and offers to help create a sense of urgency or exclusivity that can drive sales. 

Enhancing In-Store Marketing & Collaboration 

In-store marketing engages customers right when they enter a store, using techniques such as point-of-sale displays, in-store promotions, audio, and signage to attract attention and encourage purchases. Collaboration between merchants and marketing teams is crucial for optimizing in-store space, referred to as “white space.” Proper collaboration involves strategic planning to make the most of the available retail space, ensuring products are displayed to maximize visibility and appeal. 

“Visual merchandising, category management, strategic product placement, timely audio messages, and thematic digital and physical displays can significantly impact sales and customer experience.”

The playbook underscores the importance of evaluating the addition of digital screens or speakers by considering their value to the customer experience and identifying which department benefits the most, helping clarify their role in influencing purchase decisions.

Addressing Complexity & Challenges 

With the rise of digital technologies, the role of media in shaping merchandising and in-store marketing has grown exponentially. These innovative strategies offer new ways to engage customers, providing dynamic content that can influence purchasing decisions. These technologies enhance the customer experience and provide retailers with valuable customer preferences and behavior data. However, the playbook notes that –

“The advent of technologies enabling reverse attribution metrics opens a new frontier in understanding the consumer journey from ad exposure to in-store action.” 

Leveraging Different Advertising Formats 

Audio advertising in stores is a powerful tool to influence at-shelf decision-making and impulse shopping. It goes beyond background music or spoken messages, integrating with a brand’s overall in-store digital campaign to influence purchasing behavior. 73% of shoppers who hear a Vibenomics advertisement in-store purchase the advertised product or a similar one. (Vibenomics In-Store Advertising Report – Suzy Market Research, April 2024)

“Audio messaging can also drive shoppers into the aisle to purchase an item based on that virtual experience.” 

Retailtainment and Experiential Activations 

Retailtainment and experiential activations transform the in-store shopping experience into an engaging and memorable event. 

“In-store audio plays a crucial role in these activations, enhancing the atmosphere and guiding customers through their shopping journey.”

The playbook highlights examples of “in-aisle options being developed to bring screens into the aisle,” with audio messaging driving shoppers to specific locations within the store. 


Enhancing the in-store experience requires a multifaceted approach. From innovative merchandising strategies to effective collaboration between departments and the strategic use of in-store audio and other digital technologies, retailers have numerous tools to create a compelling and engaging environment that drives sales and fosters brand loyalty.

Stay tuned for part two, where we will dive into defining in-store retail media metrics and understanding the complexity of in-store impressions. This upcoming section will provide deeper insights into measuring the impact of in-store advertising, a critical component for any brand or retailer aiming to optimize their in-store marketing strategies. Speaking of measuring the impact of in-store advertising, be on the lookout for a revolutionary whitepaper, authored by industry leaders, that will reshape the way brands and retailers view in-store impressions!

Getting Started with Vibenomics

Vibenomics, a Mood Media Company, is the leading in-store digital provider with an in-store network that reaches over 170 million monthly unique shoppers and 1 billion monthly shopping visits in the United States. Our platform provides a single, all-in-one retail media network, empowering advertisers to deliver an on-premise experience and connect with consumers via display, audio, and experiential channels.

Ready to elevate your retail media strategy with in-store audio? Click here to engage with Vibenomics today.

In-Store Advertising: The Proof Is In The Data

In today’s competitive retail landscape, capturing consumers’ attention is more challenging than ever. However, new data collected by Vibenomics through Suzy Market Research sheds light on the effectiveness of in-store advertising, particularly in-store audio, in reaching and influencing consumers. This data, gathered in April of 2024, surveyed shoppers of a leading Midwestern supermarket. The sample included men and women, ages 18+, who identified as primary or shared household shoppers. The data revealed the significant impact in-store advertising has on consumer behavior.

In-Store Advertising Captivates Consumers

The data shows that 73% of shoppers noticed the audio played by Vibenomics in-store, while 71% noticed digital displays and screens. This high level of awareness and attentiveness demonstrates the value of in-store advertising for brands and retailers, as it effectively captures consumers’ attention in a busy retail environment.

Further analysis reveals why in-store audio catches shoppers’ attention:

These insights highlight how in-store audio effectively engages consumers and drives them to take action.

In-Store Advertising Influences Action

Moreover, the data indicates that in-store advertising prompts action among shoppers. After hearing the ad, 76% of shoppers located the advertised product in the store, and 73% purchased the advertised product or a similar product. This data highlights the persuasive power of in-store advertising to drive sales and influence purchase decisions.

In-Store Advertising Impacts Omnichannel Activity

Interestingly, the impact of in-store advertising extends beyond the physical store. After hearing the audio ads:

This data demonstrates the importance of a cohesive omnichannel marketing approach, where in-store advertising is crucial in driving onsite and offsite engagement.

In-Store Advertising Is Engaging, Memorable, and Persuasive

Furthermore, shoppers find in-store advertising engaging, memorable, and persuasive. The Vibenomics Creative Studios team can be innovative with the audio creative by incorporating catchy jingles, humorous elements, and unique sound effects to capture the shoppers’ attention. 

These findings underscore the effectiveness of in-store advertising in creating a lasting impression on consumers and influencing their purchasing decisions. By leveraging the power of sensory engagement, retailers can significantly enhance the shopping experience and drive sales.


The data collected by Vibenomics and Suzy Market Research demonstrates the effectiveness of in-store advertising, particularly in-store audio, in engaging consumers and driving sales. With a high level of noticeability, the ability to influence action, impact omnichannel activity, and entertain, inform, and persuade shoppers, in-store advertising emerges as a powerful tool for brands and retailers looking to enhance their marketing efforts. By leveraging the unique advantages of in-store advertising, brands can effectively reach consumers and drive sales.

Getting Started with Vibenomics

Vibenomics, a Mood Media Company, is the leading in-store digital provider with an in-store network that reaches over 170 million monthly unique shoppers and 1 billion monthly shopping visits in the United States. Our platform provides a single, all-in-one retail media network, empowering advertisers to deliver an on-premise experience and connect with consumers via display, audio, and experiential channels.

Ready to elevate your retail media strategy with in-store audio? Click here to engage with Vibenomics today.

Source: Vibenomics In-Store Advertising Suzy Market Research Report, April 2024

In-Store: Where ‘Shoppable Ads’ Have a Different Meaning

The line between online and in-store shopping is becoming increasingly blurred in today’s digital age. As consumers navigate a world saturated with ads, the key to success is creating advertisements that are not just seen but acted upon. This is where the concept of “shoppable ads” comes into play, transforming ordinary ads into powerful drivers of purchase intent.

But first, what are shoppable ads? Shoppable ads are a form of interactive advertising that allows consumers to make purchases directly from the ad itself. These ads typically feature products or services with clickable links or buttons that take users to a website or app where they can complete the purchase immediately upon viewing. Shoppable ads can appear on various platforms, including social media, websites, and mobile apps. 

In digital advertising, platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and other social channels have revolutionized how brands connect with consumers. With their highly engaging content and targeted approach, these platforms offer a unique opportunity to reach audiences. However, they often fall short of converting these interactions into sales, especially compared to in-store shopping experiences.

In-store digital advertising excels in this aspect, mainly through digital displays and audio. Unlike social media ads, which typically engage consumers while they scroll through their feeds, in-store ads connect with shoppers when they are physically near the product. 

Picture a mother strolling down a grocery store aisle and encountering a digital display ad highlighting a familiar backpack brand she’s been eyeing online. The mother didn’t know that the grocery store would even sell backpacks, but now that the ad brought product awareness, she decided to go to the school supplies aisle and check out the size and quality of the backpack. She’s impressed with the backpack and throws two in her cart for her children! 

What’s special about in-store ads is their ability to prompt consumers into engaging with the promoted product, allowing them to inspect the item’s quality, feel its texture, compare prices, and purchase. This immediate physical interaction and the ability to choose exactly what they want and take it home immediately is the driving force behind why 90% of purchases take place in-store (National Retail Federation).

Similarly, in-store audio advertising adds another layer of engagement, creating a seamless shopping experience. As consumers move through the store, they are accompanied by targeted audio ads that guide them directly toward relevant products and promotions. This audio backdrop enhances the shopping ambiance and prompts consumers to take action, whether trying a new product or taking advantage of a limited-time offer. 

Additionally, audio can reach all four corners of the store, ensuring every consumer gets all these engaging messages. Returning to the mom in the previous example, imagine her pushing her cart down the grocery aisles, focused on her shopping list. Suddenly, she hears a cheerful voiceover promoting back-to-school backpacks over the store’s sound system. It reminds her of the upcoming school season and prompts her to check out the seasonal section. Without this audio ad, she might have overlooked the backpacks entirely. But thanks to the in-store audio ad, she remembers her need for school supplies and makes the purchase then and there!

Vibenomics recently ran a study that found 73% of consumers recalled hearing the in-store audio (Vibenomics Audio In-Store Suzy, April 2024). This highlights the effectiveness of in-store audio advertising in capturing consumer attention and creating a lasting impression, unlike online shoppable ads that may be easily forgotten once the user closes the ad.

In conclusion, while online digital ads have their place in the advertising landscape, in-store digital advertising offers a unique advantage. By reaching consumers when they are closest to the product, in-store ads transform the shopping experience into a truly “shoppable” moment. By harnessing the power of in-store digital advertising, brands can create meaningful connections with consumers and drive real-world sales like never before.

Getting Started with Vibenomics

Vibenomics, a Mood Media Company, is the leading in-store digital provider with a combined in-store network with Stingray Advertising. Our in-store network reaches over 170 million monthly unique shoppers and 1 billion monthly shopping visits in the United States.

Ready to enhance your in-store advertising game with in-store audio? Engage with Vibenomics today and make 2024 a year of unparalleled success for your in-store campaigns.

The New Advertising Powerhouse: In-Store Outperforms Linear TV

In today’s fast-paced digital age, advertisers and brands are constantly seeking innovative ways to capture consumers’ attention and drive sales. Traditional linear TV advertising has long been a staple in marketing strategies. However, a recent study by Merkle suggests that in-store advertising may be the new frontier for reaching and engaging with consumers at scale.

The Rise of In-Store Media

The study reveals that in-store media is now a primary focus for 33% of retailers, up from just 9% in 2022. Physical stores are becoming the go-to for national brands due to fast reach, high attentiveness, and younger audiences.

Outperforming Linear TV

According to the study, in-store advertising has shown remarkable effectiveness in driving online and offline sales, outperforming linear TV advertising in several key metrics. In-store advertising is an attractive option for advertisers looking to maximize their return on investment.

Leveraging In-Store Advertising

Final Thoughts

The study by Merkle highlights the significant potential of in-store advertising as a powerful tool for brands looking to connect with “unreachable” audiences who are no longer easily targeted by traditional ad channels. As the retail media landscape evolves, advertisers should consider allocating more of their budget toward in-store digital advertising to capitalize on this growing trend.

Getting Started with Vibenomics

Vibenomics, a Mood Media Company, is the leading in-store digital provider with a combined in-store network with Stingray Advertising. Our in-store network reaches over 170 million monthly unique shoppers and 1 billion monthly shopping visits in the United States.

Ready to enhance your in-store advertising game with in-store audio? Engage with Vibenomics today and make 2024 a year of unparalleled success for your in-store campaigns.

Vibenomics is Redefining Retail Media

Vibenomics, a pioneer in in-store audio advertising, has teamed up with Microsoft Advertising to transform the retail media landscape. This innovative partnership harnesses Vibenomics‘ expansive network of over 170 million unique monthly shoppers, delivering an efficient, scalable, and easily implementable solution that seamlessly links digital campaigns to physical shopping experiences.

This extensive reach establishes an ideal partnership for collaborating and integrating in-store channels. Vibenomics supplies the hardware, while Microsoft Retail Media handles measurement, offering unified reporting and attribution across channels. This pilot aimed to develop an omnichannel retail media solution that merged onsite and in-store channels.

Unified Solution

Vibenomics collaboration with Microsoft Advertising is a game-changer for several reasons. Firstly, it offers a unified solution for the programmatic deployment of digital and in-store media, complete with robust measurement and attribution capabilities. This approach measures the influence of joint exposure across channels and ensures that brands can effectively track the impact of their campaigns.

Post-Covid Shift

Secondly, in a post-Covid world where brands are reallocating their marketing investments to focus more on in-store sales, programmatic in-store media offers a swift and effective way to reach customers within critical retailers. This shift in strategy highlights the importance of integrating digital and physical marketing efforts to drive sales and enhance the overall customer experience.

No More Disconnect

Another key benefit of this partnership is eliminating the disconnect between brand marketing and in-store consumer behavior. Programmatic in-store media enables brands to launch and adjust campaigns quickly, aligning with the faster timelines of digital media. This agility ensures that brands stay ahead of the competition and capitalize on emerging trends in real-time.

Omnichannel Excellence

Lastly, this partnership sets a new standard for retail media by offering integrated onsite, offsite, and in-store capabilities. This omnichannel approach allows brands to engage with customers at every touchpoint, delivering a seamless and cohesive brand experience across all channels. 

The success of this approach is exemplified in our work with a leading CPG brand, where we achieved remarkable results. By combining onsite, offsite, and in-store strategies, we helped the brand achieve a:

These outcomes underscore the significance of integrating in-store audio with e-commerce as a retail media strategy. The end result is a compelling case for brands looking to enhance their market effectiveness and deliver impactful experiences to their customers.

Final Thoughts

The collaboration between Vibenomics and Microsoft Advertising marks a significant milestone in the evolution of retail media. By leveraging the power of in-store audio advertising and digital marketing tactics, brands can now create more impactful campaigns that drive sales and enhance the overall customer experience.

“We’re excited about collaborating with Microsoft Advertising to bring omnichannel retail media capabilities in-store. Our expertise in infusing in-store audio and display experiences within the broader shopping journey complements Microsoft’s strength in measuring true campaign impact across online and offline touchpoints. This integration demonstrates the vast potential of unifying digital and physical channels to immerse audiences while providing advertisers transparency into what messages inspire action.”

Paul Brenner, SVP of Retail Media and Partnerships at Vibenomics, a Mood Media Company

Getting Started with Vibenomics

Vibenomics, a Mood Media Company, is the leading in-store digital provider with a combined in-store network with Stingray Advertising that reaches over 170 million monthly unique shoppers and 1 billion monthly shopping visits in the United States. Our platform provides a single, all-in-one retail media network, empowering advertisers to deliver an on-premise experience and to connect with consumers via display, audio, and experiential channels. 

Ready to enhance your in-store advertising game with in-store audio? Engage with Vibenomics today and make 2024 a year of unparalleled success for your in-store campaigns.

The Harmonious Blend: How In-Store Audio Advertising Complements In-Store Digital Displays

Advertisers constantly seek innovative ways to capture consumers’ attention in the ever-evolving retail landscape. While visual displays have long been a staple in creating engaging in-store experiences, the synergy with in-store audio advertising has emerged as a powerful combination that elevates the overall impact on consumers’ purchase decisions. 

Imagine entering a store where vibrant digital displays catch your eye, showcasing the latest products and promotions. Now, add another layer to this sensory experience – the subtle yet influential power of in-store audio advertising. Let’s explore how these two elements work in harmony to create a dynamic and immersive environment for shoppers. 

Multi-Sensory Engagement

Visual displays are undeniably effective in conveying information, but audio integration takes engagement to a new level. In-store audio advertising provides a multi-sensory experience, allowing businesses to communicate their brand message through visuals and carefully crafted soundscapes. The combination of sight and sound captivates consumers, making their shopping experience more memorable and enjoyable. 

Reinforcing Brand Identity

While digital displays communicate a brand’s identity visually, in-store audio advertising adds an auditory dimension that reinforces brand recognition. A well-designed audio ad with a distinct voice and brand creative can leave a lasting impression on consumers, helping to establish and strengthen brand identity. Consistency across visual and auditory elements enhances brand recall, fostering a deeper connection with the audience. Vibenomics found that 40% of consumers indicated that in-store audio catches their attention because it’s highlighting a brand they know and trust (Vibenomics Suzy Research Audio In-Store Report, June 2023). 

Information Enhancement

Digital displays excel at presenting product information, but in-store audio advertising serves as a reinforcement mechanism. Imagine a digital display highlighting a new product while a corresponding audio ad provides additional details and directs shoppers to where the product is located in the store. This combination ensures that consumers receive comprehensive information, increases the likelihood of message retention, and in turn, has a great impact on purchase decisions.

Creating Atmosphere & Ambiance

In-store environments are not just about products but about creating an ambiance that resonates with the brand. In-store audio advertising contributes to this by setting the tone, whether it’s through curated music, narrations, or promotional messages. The fitting audio complement to visual displays can create a cohesive atmosphere that aligns with the brand’s personality and enhances the overall consumer experience. 

Call to Action Amplification

Digital displays often incorporate calls to action, encouraging consumers to explore products or take advantage of promotions. In-store audio advertising amplifies these calls to action by adding a persuasive and dynamic element. Whether it’s prompting consumers to try a new product or announcing limited-time offers, combining visual and auditory cues increases the likelihood of customer response. Vibenomics discovered that 41% of consumers indicated that in-store audio catches their attention by introducing them to a new brand/product (Vibenomics Suzy Research Audio In-Store Report, June 2023). 

Final Thoughts

The marriage of in-store audio advertising with in-store digital displays represents a dynamic duo in retail media. By leveraging the strengths of both mediums, businesses can create immersive, memorable experiences that resonate with consumers long after they leave the store. As the retail media landscape continues to evolve, the harmonious blend of audio and visual elements is poised to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of in-store advertising.

Getting Started with Vibenomics 

Vibenomics, a Mood Media Company, is the leading in-store digital provider with a combined in-store network with Stingray Advertising that reaches over 170 million monthly unique shoppers and 1 billion monthly shopping visits in the United States. Our platform provides a single, all-in-one retail media network, empowering advertisers to deliver an on-premise experience and to connect with consumers via display, audio, and experiential channels. 

Ready to elevate your retail media strategy with in-store audio? Click here to engage with Vibenomics today! 

Unwrap Holiday Shopping Trends

The holiday season is upon us, and with it comes the festive flurry of gift-giving, feasting, and merry-making. Understanding the nuances of holiday shopping behaviors is crucial for retailers aiming to make the most out of this season. 

Vibenomics, in collaboration with Suzy Market Research, has gathered valuable insights into the minds of consumers during this festive period. Let’s explore critical findings from the data and dive into how in-store audio advertising can play a pivotal role in enhancing the holiday shopping experience.

The In-Store Shopping Trend

78% of consumers plan to do their holiday shopping in-store (Vibenomics Suzy Market Research, Oct. 2023). This data point indicates a strong inclination towards the traditional brick-and-mortar shopping experience, emphasizing the importance of optimizing in-store strategies to capture the attention of holiday shoppers. 

Store Preferences

Breaking down the in-store shopping trend further, 36% of consumers plan to do most of their holiday shopping at grocery stores, 31% at dollar and discount stores, and 22% at home improvement stores (Vibenomics Suzy Market Research, Oct. 2023). Understanding these preferences allows retailers to tailor their shopping experiences and brands to adjust their marketing efforts to specific audiences and merchandise accordingly.

Holiday Deal Seekers

Holiday deals are a significant draw for shoppers, with 61% expressing their intent to take advantage of retailer/brand-specific holiday sales (Vibenomics Suzy Market Research, Oct. 2023). This statistic presents an opportunity for retailers to strategically promote their holiday offers and capture the attention of bargain-seeking consumers.

Product Preferences

77% of consumers plan to purchase groceries during the holidays, followed closely by 68% for holiday-themed food/snacks and 54% for adult beverages (Vibenomics Suzy Market Research, Oct. 2023). Retailers can leverage this information to curate unique holiday-themed displays and strategically position products to meet consumer demands.

Factors Influencing Purchases

Regarding decision-making, consumers prioritize price, quality, and promotions/sales. This data emphasizes the importance of offering competitive prices, maintaining high product quality, and effectively communicating promotional offers to sway consumer choices.

The Role of In-Store Audio Advertising

In this landscape of holiday shopping preferences, in-store audio advertising emerges as a powerful tool for retailers. Vibenomics data supports the idea that audio advertising can significantly impact product discovery, brand sales, and overall shopping experience. Here’s how:


As retailers gear up for the holiday rush, understanding the intricacies of shopper behavior is crucial. Vibenomics Suzy Market Research on Holiday Shopping Behaviors provides valuable insights that can guide brands and retailers in tailoring their strategies to meet consumer expectations. By incorporating in-store audio advertising, retailers can elevate the holiday shopping experience, driving sales and creating lasting connections with consumers in this joyous season!

Getting Started with Vibenomics 

Vibenomics, a Mood Media Company, is the leading in-store digital advertising provider with 23,600+ shopping locations in the U.S. Our platform provides a single, all-in-one Retail Media network, empowering advertisers to deliver an on-premise experience and to connect with customers via display, audio and experiential channels. 

Ready to learn how Vibenomics can elevate your Retail Media strategy with in-store audio? Click here to engage with Vibenomics today!

About Suzy Enterprise Market Research 

Suzy Market Research is a comprehensive consumer insights platform seamlessly incorporating AI-driven quantitative and qualitative research and top-tier audiences within a unified research cloud. With the endorsement and trust of more than 500 prominent brands spanning 22 industries, the Suzy platform has solidified its reputation.

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