
The Sights and Sounds of Retail Media In-Store

The Future of Omnichannel Retail Media: Embracing a Standardized and Transparent Framework

As retail media networks expand, standardized measurement is more crucial than ever. In an omnichannel world where in-store media and digital advertising converge, brands and retailers need consistent metrics to evaluate the true impact of their campaigns. Standardization ensures accuracy, transparency, and comparability across retail environments, driving better decision-making and optimizing campaign performance.

In September 2024, IAB US and IAB Europe introduced the In-Store Retail Media: Definitions and Measurement Standards guide to address the complexities of in-store advertising measurement. This guide represents a pivotal move toward creating a unified approach for evaluating retail media, particularly in-store advertising, which needs a standardized framework.

Why Standardized Measurement Matters for Omnichannel Retail Media

Retail media networks offer unparalleled opportunities for brands to engage shoppers at key touchpoints, but measuring campaign success needs to be more consistent. Historically, in-store and digital advertising have used different methods to assess audience impressions and campaign performance, making it difficult for marketers to compare data and optimize their omnichannel strategies. The lack of standardized metrics has led to fragmented insights, missed opportunities, and challenges linking in-store media exposure to tangible outcomes like sales.

The IAB guide aims to alleviate these issues by introducing a unified measurement framework covering critical in-store advertising areas. This effort aligns in-store media with digital advertising, allowing brands to track and compare campaign performance across channels seamlessly.

Key Areas of the IAB In-Store Retail Media Standards

  1. Store Zones: Categorizing store areas (e.g., entrances, aisles, checkout) allows for more precise tracking of where ads are placed, what audience traffic looks like within certain zones, and how those zones influence consumer behavior.
  2. Media Metrics: Standardized metrics for in-store media (similar to digital ad impressions and clicks) ensure consistent measurement of how ads are consumed in physical spaces.
  3. Ad Serving Metrics: Robust guidelines for tracking ad delivery ensure that marketers can measure frequency and duration with the same accuracy as digital formats.
  4. Ad Impression Metrics: Standardized definitions of ad impressions in-store make it easier to compare reach across digital and physical channels, enhancing omnichannel reporting.
  5. Sales Measurement Metrics: The most significant advancement is that these metrics directly link in-store advertising to sales, enabling brands to measure ROI with unprecedented precision.

Vibenomics Commitment to Standardization and Transparency for In-Store 

At Vibenomics, we are at the forefront of addressing the challenges of in-store media measurement. Our recently released white paper, “In-Store Impressions Unlocked: To the Roof, Under the Roof, In the Zone,” offers essential insights for brands and retailers navigating the complexities of in-store audiences. This white paper paves the way for a more standardized, transparent, and practical approach to in-store media by addressing inconsistent measurement methods and providing actionable insights.

We are committed to aligning with the new industry standards outlined by the IAB, particularly as they relate to the crucial aspects of audience tracking, ad delivery, and sales measurement within the store environment. Our white paper focuses on critical areas such as:

Download your copy of the white paper today to learn how to optimize your in-store campaigns with a standardized approach to measurement.

The Road Ahead: A New Era of Retail Media

The IAB’s new measurement standards mark a turning point for omnichannel retail media. By aligning in-store metrics with those of digital advertising, brands and retailers can achieve:


An industry-wide commitment to standardization is critical for retail media to reach its full potential. The IAB’s new standards provide the framework to accurately measure the impact of in-store advertising and integrate it into a broader omnichannel strategy. As the industry adopts these standards, brands and retailers can look forward to a more transparent, efficient, and effective retail media ecosystem.

About IAB 

The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) empowers the media and marketing industries to thrive in the digital economy. Its membership comprises over 700 leading media companies, brands, agencies, and technology firms responsible for selling, delivering, and optimizing digital ad marketing campaigns. For more information about IAB, click here.

Getting Started With Vibenomics 

Vibenomics, a Mood Media Company, is the leading in-store digital provider with an in-store network that reaches over 170 million monthly unique shoppers and 1 billion monthly shopping visits in the United States. Our platform provides a single, all-in-one retail media network, empowering advertisers to deliver an on-premise experience and connect with consumers via display, audio, and experiential channels.

Ready to elevate your retail media strategy with in-store audio? Click here to engage with Vibenomics today!

Unlocking Retail Insights from Vibenomics’ Latest White Paper

Retail media is booming, transforming how brands engage with consumers at the point of purchase. With retail media ad spend skyrocketing from $1 billion in 2016 to an anticipated $59.98 billion in 2024 (Emarketer, 2023), it’s clear that in-store media continues to become a more critical component of modern marketing strategies. However, the true potential of in-store media remains untapped due to inconsistent measurement methods and fragmented data sources. 

Vibenomics’ latest white paper, “In-Store Impressions Unlocked: To the Roof, Under the Roof, In the Zone,” addresses these challenges head-on, offering a comprehensive guide for brands and retailers on how to navigate in-store audiences and gain accurate audience insights.

Overcoming Inconsistent Measurement Methods

One of the biggest hurdles in retail media is the need for standardized metrics for measuring in-store impressions. Current methods are inconsistent because they rely on disparate data sources and varied methodologies across retail networks. This inconsistency makes it difficult for retailers to quantify the value of their in-store media inventory and for advertisers to receive reliable and consistent audience insights. 

Vibenomics’ white paper presents an applicative solution by advocating for clear audibility and viewability metrics. These metrics provide a comprehensive understanding of audience sizing, providing retailers and advertisers with accurate, trusted, and reliable data. 

The Digital In-Store Retail Media Opportunity

Digital in-store retail media (digital displays, audio messaging, interactive kiosks, mobile integration, and experiential marketing), offers significant opportunities for retailers looking to connect with consumers. These channels engage shoppers, influence purchase decisions, and drive sales. 

The rapid expansion of retail media underscores its importance in the advertising landscape, with technological advancements enabling retailers to implement dynamic digital advertising solutions. However, to fully capitalize on this potential, retailers must overcome the evolving standards and precise methods for measuring in-store impressions. This white paper includes insights and strategies from industry leaders looking to navigate these challenges. 

Understanding the Digital In-Store Audience 

Retailers must clearly understand their digital in-store audience to monetize their Retail Media Networks (RMNs) effectively. However, the current approach to understanding in-store audiences must be more cohesive. The white paper highlights the importance of a comprehensive in-store audience measurement strategy, emphasizing the need for strategic partnerships, data-driven content strategies, omnichannel integration, and consumer benefits.

Identifying the Value of an In-Store Impression 

Accurate audience measurement is crucial for retailers looking to maximize the value of their RMNs and advertisers looking to optimize their in-store strategies. The white paper breaks down the components of in-store impressions, such as audience detection, ad exposure, and audibility/viewability. By understanding these components, retailers can create measurable units of ad exposure that aid in identifying the reach, frequency, and impact of in-store media campaigns. 

Creating the Impression Value of a Store 

The white paper emphasizes the importance of a standardized approach to accurate and comprehensive audience measurement. It details the collaborative efforts of Vibenomics,, and Quividi to develop next-generation in-store impression calculations. By integrating diverse data inputs, these companies create a more precise and comprehensive baseline for in-store media performance.  

Delivering Accurate In-Store Impressions 

Vibenomics’ white paper aligns with the Interactive Advertising Bureau’s (IAB) efforts to create a unified approach to in-store impression measurement. By leveraging location analytics and in-store sensor data, retailers can gain accurate impression counts and deduplicate audience reach. This standardized framework drives greater confidence and investment in in-store retail media. 

The Future of In-Store Media

As the in-store retail media industry evolves, leveraging advanced technologies and reliable data will be crucial. The white paper underscores the importance of accurate audience measurement and targeted ad placement, leading to higher ROI and improved attribution. By capitalizing on and testing frequently, retailers and advertisers can refine their in-store media strategies, optimize content, and efficiently allocate resources. 

Vibenomics‘ white paper, “In-Store Impressions Unlocked: To the Roof, Under the Roof, In the Zone,” is an essential resource for brands and retailers looking to navigate the complexities of in-store audiences. This white paper paves the way for a more standardized, transparent, and practical approach to in-store media by addressing inconsistent measurement methods and providing actionable insights. Download your copy of the white paper today!

Getting Started with Vibenomics

Vibenomics, a Mood Media Company, is the leading in-store digital provider with an in-store network that reaches over 170 million monthly unique shoppers and 1 billion monthly shopping visits in the United States. Our platform provides a single, all-in-one retail media network, empowering advertisers to deliver an on-premise experience and connect with consumers via display, audio, and experiential channels.

Ready to elevate your retail media strategy with in-store audio? Click here to engage with Vibenomics today.

Vibenomics is Redefining Retail Media

Vibenomics, a pioneer in in-store audio advertising, has teamed up with Microsoft Advertising to transform the retail media landscape. This innovative partnership harnesses Vibenomics‘ expansive network of over 170 million unique monthly shoppers, delivering an efficient, scalable, and easily implementable solution that seamlessly links digital campaigns to physical shopping experiences.

This extensive reach establishes an ideal partnership for collaborating and integrating in-store channels. Vibenomics supplies the hardware, while Microsoft Retail Media handles measurement, offering unified reporting and attribution across channels. This pilot aimed to develop an omnichannel retail media solution that merged onsite and in-store channels.

Unified Solution

Vibenomics collaboration with Microsoft Advertising is a game-changer for several reasons. Firstly, it offers a unified solution for the programmatic deployment of digital and in-store media, complete with robust measurement and attribution capabilities. This approach measures the influence of joint exposure across channels and ensures that brands can effectively track the impact of their campaigns.

Post-Covid Shift

Secondly, in a post-Covid world where brands are reallocating their marketing investments to focus more on in-store sales, programmatic in-store media offers a swift and effective way to reach customers within critical retailers. This shift in strategy highlights the importance of integrating digital and physical marketing efforts to drive sales and enhance the overall customer experience.

No More Disconnect

Another key benefit of this partnership is eliminating the disconnect between brand marketing and in-store consumer behavior. Programmatic in-store media enables brands to launch and adjust campaigns quickly, aligning with the faster timelines of digital media. This agility ensures that brands stay ahead of the competition and capitalize on emerging trends in real-time.

Omnichannel Excellence

Lastly, this partnership sets a new standard for retail media by offering integrated onsite, offsite, and in-store capabilities. This omnichannel approach allows brands to engage with customers at every touchpoint, delivering a seamless and cohesive brand experience across all channels. 

The success of this approach is exemplified in our work with a leading CPG brand, where we achieved remarkable results. By combining onsite, offsite, and in-store strategies, we helped the brand achieve a:

These outcomes underscore the significance of integrating in-store audio with e-commerce as a retail media strategy. The end result is a compelling case for brands looking to enhance their market effectiveness and deliver impactful experiences to their customers.

Final Thoughts

The collaboration between Vibenomics and Microsoft Advertising marks a significant milestone in the evolution of retail media. By leveraging the power of in-store audio advertising and digital marketing tactics, brands can now create more impactful campaigns that drive sales and enhance the overall customer experience.

“We’re excited about collaborating with Microsoft Advertising to bring omnichannel retail media capabilities in-store. Our expertise in infusing in-store audio and display experiences within the broader shopping journey complements Microsoft’s strength in measuring true campaign impact across online and offline touchpoints. This integration demonstrates the vast potential of unifying digital and physical channels to immerse audiences while providing advertisers transparency into what messages inspire action.”

Paul Brenner, SVP of Retail Media and Partnerships at Vibenomics, a Mood Media Company

Getting Started with Vibenomics

Vibenomics, a Mood Media Company, is the leading in-store digital provider with a combined in-store network with Stingray Advertising that reaches over 170 million monthly unique shoppers and 1 billion monthly shopping visits in the United States. Our platform provides a single, all-in-one retail media network, empowering advertisers to deliver an on-premise experience and to connect with consumers via display, audio, and experiential channels. 

Ready to enhance your in-store advertising game with in-store audio? Engage with Vibenomics today and make 2024 a year of unparalleled success for your in-store campaigns.

The Harmonious Blend: How In-Store Audio Advertising Complements In-Store Digital Displays

Advertisers constantly seek innovative ways to capture consumers’ attention in the ever-evolving retail landscape. While visual displays have long been a staple in creating engaging in-store experiences, the synergy with in-store audio advertising has emerged as a powerful combination that elevates the overall impact on consumers’ purchase decisions. 

Imagine entering a store where vibrant digital displays catch your eye, showcasing the latest products and promotions. Now, add another layer to this sensory experience – the subtle yet influential power of in-store audio advertising. Let’s explore how these two elements work in harmony to create a dynamic and immersive environment for shoppers. 

Multi-Sensory Engagement

Visual displays are undeniably effective in conveying information, but audio integration takes engagement to a new level. In-store audio advertising provides a multi-sensory experience, allowing businesses to communicate their brand message through visuals and carefully crafted soundscapes. The combination of sight and sound captivates consumers, making their shopping experience more memorable and enjoyable. 

Reinforcing Brand Identity

While digital displays communicate a brand’s identity visually, in-store audio advertising adds an auditory dimension that reinforces brand recognition. A well-designed audio ad with a distinct voice and brand creative can leave a lasting impression on consumers, helping to establish and strengthen brand identity. Consistency across visual and auditory elements enhances brand recall, fostering a deeper connection with the audience. Vibenomics found that 40% of consumers indicated that in-store audio catches their attention because it’s highlighting a brand they know and trust (Vibenomics Suzy Research Audio In-Store Report, June 2023). 

Information Enhancement

Digital displays excel at presenting product information, but in-store audio advertising serves as a reinforcement mechanism. Imagine a digital display highlighting a new product while a corresponding audio ad provides additional details and directs shoppers to where the product is located in the store. This combination ensures that consumers receive comprehensive information, increases the likelihood of message retention, and in turn, has a great impact on purchase decisions.

Creating Atmosphere & Ambiance

In-store environments are not just about products but about creating an ambiance that resonates with the brand. In-store audio advertising contributes to this by setting the tone, whether it’s through curated music, narrations, or promotional messages. The fitting audio complement to visual displays can create a cohesive atmosphere that aligns with the brand’s personality and enhances the overall consumer experience. 

Call to Action Amplification

Digital displays often incorporate calls to action, encouraging consumers to explore products or take advantage of promotions. In-store audio advertising amplifies these calls to action by adding a persuasive and dynamic element. Whether it’s prompting consumers to try a new product or announcing limited-time offers, combining visual and auditory cues increases the likelihood of customer response. Vibenomics discovered that 41% of consumers indicated that in-store audio catches their attention by introducing them to a new brand/product (Vibenomics Suzy Research Audio In-Store Report, June 2023). 

Final Thoughts

The marriage of in-store audio advertising with in-store digital displays represents a dynamic duo in retail media. By leveraging the strengths of both mediums, businesses can create immersive, memorable experiences that resonate with consumers long after they leave the store. As the retail media landscape continues to evolve, the harmonious blend of audio and visual elements is poised to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of in-store advertising.

Getting Started with Vibenomics 

Vibenomics, a Mood Media Company, is the leading in-store digital provider with a combined in-store network with Stingray Advertising that reaches over 170 million monthly unique shoppers and 1 billion monthly shopping visits in the United States. Our platform provides a single, all-in-one retail media network, empowering advertisers to deliver an on-premise experience and to connect with consumers via display, audio, and experiential channels. 

Ready to elevate your retail media strategy with in-store audio? Click here to engage with Vibenomics today! 

Mastering The Omnichannel Approach with Retail Media

Retail Media has evolved beyond traditional advertising in today’s fast-paced digital landscape. Brands and retailers constantly seek innovative ways to engage consumers across various channels. One strategy that’s gaining immense traction is the omnichannel approach. This approach enhances consumer experiences and drives sales and brand loyalty.

The Rise of Omnichannel Retail

Omnichannel retail is more than just a buzzword; it’s a comprehensive strategy that seamlessly integrates all marketing channels throughout the shopping journey. Brands strive to provide a consistent and unified shopping experience with brick-and-mortar stores, e-commerce websites, mobile apps, and social media platforms. 

The Customer-Centric Advantage

A successful omnichannel strategy requires a deep understanding of the modern customer. Today’s consumers are tech-savvy and demand convenience, personalization, and immediate access to information. According to DevPro Journals’ Consumer Product Content Benchmark Report (2022), 81% of consumers expect uniformity in a brand’s product content experience across all touchpoints. Retailers that can meet these expectations are better poised for success.

Critical Elements of a Successful Omnichannel Strategy 

Benefits of a Successful Omnichannel Strategy 


The omnichannel approach is no longer a choice but a necessity for businesses looking to thrive in the digital age. By harnessing customer data, providing seamless shopping experiences, personalizing content, and leveraging real-time analytics, retailers can meet the evolving demands of modern consumers and gain a competitive edge in the retail landscape. It’s time to embrace the omnichannel revolution and unlock the full potential of Retail Media!

Getting Started with Vibenomics 

Vibenomics, a Mood Media Company, is the leading in-store digital advertising provider with 23,600+ shopping locations in the U.S. Our platform provides a single, all-in-one Retail Media network, empowering advertisers to deliver an on-premise experience and to connect with customers via display, audio and experiential channels. 

Ready to unlock the full potential of your omnichannel strategy with Vibenomics’ innovative in-store solutions? Click here to engage with Vibenomics today! 

2024 Retail Trends: Creating a Digital, Seamless, and Personalized Shopping Experience

The retail industry is on the cusp of a significant transformation as we approach 2024. Technology advancements are reshaping the way consumers interact with and shop for products. The following trends are set to redefine the in-store experience: 

Digitization of In-Store 

As consumer expectations continue to shift, retailers are finding innovative ways to bridge the gap between the physical and digital realms. In-store audio will be pivotal in driving a store’s digitization efforts. In-store audio ads enhance the overall shopping experience by providing relevant product information, promotions, and announcements directly to customers’ ears. This personalized approach not only improves customer engagement but influences purchase decisions. 

In-store audio ads are becoming an indispensable tool for retailers looking to embrace digitization. These strategically placed advertisements within physical retail environments offer a seamless connection between the tangible and the digital. This technology harnesses the power of sound to engage customers in a more personalized and meaningful way.

Digital signage will also play a key role in driving a store’s digitization efforts. Interactive display ads will engage and inform shoppers, providing real-time product information, promotions, and even suggestions. These digital displays will serve as valuable touchpoints for brands to connect with consumers at the point of purchase. 

Embracing an Omnichannel Approach

Advertising is no longer limited to a single channel. The omnichannel approach aims to provide customers with a consistent and integrated shopping experience, whether in-store or online. According to DevPro Journals’ Consumer Product Content Benchmark Report (2022), a staggering 81% of consumers expect uniformity in a brand’s product content experience across all touchpoints. 

In-store audio ads are vital in helping stores seamlessly adopt this approach. Audio ads positioned strategically within physical stores, these audio ads effectively bridge the gap between the in-store experience and onsite and offsite channels. They offer customers valuable information about products and promotions, ensuring a cohesive brand experience across all shopping avenues.

Personalization Takes Priority 

Consumers today appreciate a personalized and convenient shopping experience. In-store audio enables brands and advertisers to tailor their messages to the specific context and audience. For example, consider a Los Angeles grocery store that attracts a majority of health conscious shoppers; they can utilize in-store audio to advertise a special offer on organic produce. In contrast, a suburban Chicago grocery store, whose primary shoppers are  mothers, can use in-store audio to promote discounted snack packs for children’s lunches. This personalized approach ensures that the right message reaches consumers at the right time!

In the age of data-driven marketing, personalization is critical. By analyzing a retailer’s first-party data, brands can target shoppers with ads that align with their interests and buying habits. This level of personalization increases the likelihood of making a sale and fosters a deeper connection between the customer and the brand.

However, as we move toward these exciting trends, there are some considerations to keep in mind: 

Final Thoughts

2024 is poised to revolutionize the retail industry. With the digitization of in-store, an omnichannel approach, and an unwavering focus on personalization, consumers can anticipate a more convenient, engaging, and tailored shopping journey. As retailers embrace these trends, they are adapting to changing consumer needs and shaping the future of in-store shopping!

Getting Started with Vibenomics 

Vibenomics, a Mood Media Company, is the leading in-store digital advertising provider with 23,600+ shopping locations in the U.S. Our platform provides a single, all-in-one Retail Media network, empowering advertisers to deliver an on-premise experience and to connect with customers via display, audio and experiential channels. 

Ready to learn how Vibenomics can elevate your Retail Media strategy with in-store audio? Click here to engage with Vibenomics today!

About Mood Media Company

Mood Media is the world’s leading experiential media company providing music, messaging, digital signage, AV systems and scent. Mood Media’s solutions make every shopping and guest experience more personal and more engaging. Their fully-integrated solutions leverage advanced digital technology, curated and original creative content, and design expertise to deliver meaningful customer experiences that drive sales. Explore Mood Media’s in-store solutions here!

Top 5 Takeaways from P2PI’s Future Forward 2023 Event

How is it June already? It feels like it was just yesterday that we grabbed our beaded necklaces and eagerly headed down to New Orleans in May to attend Path to Purchase Institute’s (P2PI’s) Future Forward 2023 event. 

P2PI’s Future Forward event is an annual conference that brings together industry leaders and professionals to discuss the latest trends, innovations, and strategies in the consumer packaged goods (CPG) industry. The event attracts a diverse group of attendees from a variety of backgrounds, including:

At this year’s Future Forward event, attendees had the opportunity to participate in educational sessions, networking events, and keynote speeches delivered by industry experts in the CPG field. 

There was a wide array of topics covered at Future Forward 2023 which included shopper behavior and trend forecasting, the future of commerce via in-store experience, social commerce, metaverse and beyond!

A few agenda items to highlight from Future Forward 2023 include:

  1. Keynote: Ari Peralta (Arigami) presented the evolution of sensory design and how it can amplify consumer experiences.
  2. Session: Patrycja Malinowka (P2PI) discussed the current shopping mindsets and insights into shopping patterns, new areas of opportunity and the trends & topics on consumers’ minds that influence future behaviors. 
  3. Campfire: Reshma Schneider (Conagra) and Jen Senerius (The Mars Agency) talked through how they partnered to adapt their marketing strategies to meet change in shopper behavior.
  4. Panel: Jessie Dowd (P2PI) and Manish Sharma (Kellogg’s) uncovered how to navigate the RMN ecosystem and account for greater investment in retail media.

Our Top 5 Takeaways

If you weren’t able to attend this year’s Future Forward event, or just can’t read your handwriting from your notes (we’ve all been there!), we’ve got you covered. 

These are the top 5 takeaways from Future Forward 2023 that stood out to us: 

1. In-Store is Emerging

The event highlighted the growing importance of digital in-store experiences, emphasizing that these innovative strategies are becoming a permanent part of the retail landscape. 

Ari Peralta, neuroscientist and CEO of Arigami, presented 5 ways for brands and retailers to turn to neuroscience and technology to give them a competitive edge with design:

The trends above emphasize the convergence of in-store technology to enhance consumer experiences, creating immersive, interactive, and emotionally resonant brand interactions. 

In P2PI’s blog post, “Future Forward: Amplifying Consumer Experiences,” Peralta highlights that incorporating multisensory cues in a store can increase shopper’s stay by up to 51%, while also noting that 52% of consumers have abandoned e-commerce sites due to poorly curated offerings. 

One of many notable findings in the P2PI’s “Shopper Engagement with Retail Media” research report identified that 48% of shoppers say in-store audio encourages them to locate products in-store and consider purchasing — the same amount as with video ads and digital screens. To capture and maintain shoppers’ attention in the crowded retail landscape, brands MUST invest in efforts designed to maximize customer interaction.

2. Shopping Should Be Simple

With the evolving in-store environment, it is vital that navigating the shopping experience remain simple. With consumers desiring a simplified and straightforward shopping experience, retailers must focus on creating a smooth transition between onsite, offsite and in-store channels. Brands, too, must ensure that messaging is consistent and relevant to each individual shoppers’ journey. 

Paul Brenner, SVP of Retail Media Strategy and Partnerships at Vibenomics, says that for the past several years, the retail landscape has evolved to become all about the customer experience. Technology helped elevate digital ecommerce – an evolution no doubt accelerated by the global health crisis. But nearly 95% of shoppers have returned to physical stores with an expectation that their in-store experiences will deliver as well as online shopping. 

3. Brand Budgets are Shifting

Brands want to shift their budgets to be more inclusive of Retail Media In-Store digital advertising strategies within their omnichannel campaigns – alongside traditional onsite and offsite tactics. 

A significant majority of buying (92%) still occurs in-store, while only a small portion (8%) happens online. Brands can truly influence shoppers at the point of purchase with in-store tactics by creating compelling and interactive experiences that engage all the senses and leverage personalized promotions to drive conversion and brand loyalty.

4. Omnichannel is Effective

Brands are adopting an omnichannel approach with single, unified campaign objectives. The focus is on seamless omnichannel buying experiences, integrating various channels rather than treating them separately.

The question we hear at Vibenomics is, “how do brands catch shoppers’ attention with ads and deliver a personalized experience similar to what’s available via online platforms?” Enter RMNs, providing omnichannel solutions to these challenges. Retailers can broadcast targeted audio advertisements in brick-and-mortar stores to promote products near the point of sale and in the aisles. 

5. Data Silos are Preventing Investment

Data silos between onsite, offsite, and in-store channels were identified as a challenge in proving incrementality and, therefore, preventing effective omnichannel investment. 

The pressure is on retailers to demonstrate the value and incrementality of Retail Media solutions by proving the effectiveness of omnichannel (onsite, offsite, and in-store) campaign strategies. The importance of breaking down these data silos to gain a comprehensive understanding of the customer journey was emphasized.

Wrap Up

After an immersive and thought-provoking experience at Future Forward 2023, several key takeaways emerged that shed light on the evolution of the in-store experience, the importance of a simplified shopping journey, and the significance of brands transitioning to a true omnichannel approach with unified campaign objectives. 

By understanding and implementing these top takeaways, retailers and brands can stay ahead of the curve, create meaningful connections with their customers, and establish a strong foundation for sustained growth in the years to come. 

As one event ends, another one approaches! Don’t miss out on P2PI’s 2023 Retail Media Summit in Chicago this upcoming June. Attendees will gain invaluable insights into the latest trends, strategies, and technologies that are shaping the future of retail media. Mark your calendars and be sure to join Vibenomics at the 2023 Retail Media Summit as we explore the future of retail media together!

About Path to Purchase Institute 

Path to Purchase Institute (P2PI) is a global association that provides insights, knowledge, and networking opportunities to consumer goods professionals involved in the path to purchase. They focus on helping businesses understand and optimize the consumer journey from the initial consideration of a product to the final purchase decision. 

P2PI offers a variety of resources, including research reports, case studies, webinars, and events, to help their members stay up-to-date on industry trends and best practices. They also provide a platform for networking and collaboration among professionals in the consumer packaged goods (CPG) industry.

Getting Started with Vibenomics

Vibenomics, a Mood Media Company, is the leading in-store digital advertising provider. Our platform provides a single, all-in-one retail media network, empowering retailers to digitize their on-premise experience and advertisers to connect with customers via display, audio and experiential channels. 

Through a first-of-its-kind turnkey solution, this model delivers the ubiquity and revenue-generating capabilities needed to drive the next iteration of retail media. Ready to learn how Vibenomics can elevate your Retail Media strategy? Click here to engage with Vibenomics today!

Now Launching: Open RTB Support for Audio-Only Out-of-Home

The Trade Desk is first-to-market omnichannel DSP to support audio out-of-home through partnership with Vistar Media

Vistar Media, the leading global provider of programmatic technology for digital out-of-home (DOOH), today announced the extension of OpenRTB integrations to include audio-only out-of-home. The Trade Desk is the first omnichannel demand-side platform (DSP) to support this extension, allowing them to programmatically purchase audio inventory from networks such as Vibenomics. 

An emerging category within the out-of-home media landscape, audio OOH allows brands to influence consumers with engaging messaging seamlessly blended into a retail environment.  

“With the growth we’ve seen from both DOOH and Audio as separate emerging channels, it was the logical next step to expand our omni-channel offering into audio OOH,” said Maggie Mattingley, Senior Manager of Inventory Partnerships, The Trade Desk. “Through Vistar’s new audio capability, we continue to provide the best possible digital media available for advertisers and agencies to deliver a holistic digital advertising campaign.”

“Exposing our unique audio inventory to omnichannel DSPs such as The Trade Desk to transact against Audio Out-of-Home is a logical next step in the growth trajectory for our network and the industry at large,” said Paul Brenner, CSO and president of AOOH, Vibenomics. “The reach of our audio network combined with Vistar’s market-leading SSP capabilities helps the buy-side flex their programmatic spending, target specific market areas, provide brand support and measurement such as incremental lift and return on ad spend.” 

For more information about Vistar, please direct inquiries to

About Vistar Media:

Vistar Media is a geospatial technology company bridging the space between advertising ecosystems and consumer movement patterns. Founded in 2012, Vistar created the first and only universal marketplace for out-of-home media, building a programmatic platform that has been widely adopted by buyers and sellers. Vistar provides marketers with unprecedented access to consumers at the right place and right time, through a data agnostic system for analyzing consumer movement patterns and activating cross-screen mobile and out-of-home media. For more information, visit

About Vibenomics:

Vibenomics, Inc. is a location-based Audio Out-of-Home™ advertising and experience company that powers audio channels for retailers, giving brands the ability to talk to shoppers directly at the point of sale. With its powerful cloud-based technology, licensed background music library, data integration capabilities, full-service team of audio experience experts, and network of on-demand professional voice talent, the company provides the right revenue-enhancing vibe for over 120 advertisers in more than 6,000 locations across 49 states, reaching over 200 million people.

Delivered through flexible plug-and-play, proprietary, IoT enabled media players, Vibenomics dynamically broadcasts hyper-targeted, on-demand audio advertisements and curated playlists within any combination of locations across its swiftly growing national footprint, unlocking a powerful new shopper marketing channel for reaching consumers during the critical final footsteps along the path to purchase. Through a first-of-its-kind partner program, retailers can receive a portion of revenue for all advertisements sold by Vibenomics that play within their locations, giving them the ability to monetize their private airwaves and transform a legacy expense into a new profit center.

Using Audio to Merge the Offline & Online Customer Experience

Today’s shoppers have ever increasing access to new technology when it comes to how and where they spend their money. As such, businesses are finding that they have to change their strategies and adapt to this new environment. Part of that adaptation includes finding ways to merge their online, digital presence with their offline, brick and mortar shopping experience.

It is certainly worth the time and effort it takes to make that a reality. While the growth of online shopping is apparent, 40% of shoppers still make in-store purchases at least once a week. 60% want the immediate satisfaction and 65% want to avoid delivery fees. With that kind of foot traffic, businesses can blend that in-store experience with the online one.

By 2020, the customer experience will overtake price and product as the key brand differentiator. For businesses, that means creating a seamless experience as shoppers go from online to in-store. For customers, it can mean a better overall experience. By finding new and innovative ways to combine the on and offline experience, businesses are improving the customer journey, driving sales, engagement, and the Holy Grail—customer loyalty.

One often overlooked and underutilized (but impactful) way to create that seamless customer experience is with sound. The audio system in a store can be one of the best ways to merge the offline and online customer experience. Here’s how:

Providing a Unified Brand Sound

Most retailers know how important playing music in-store is to the happiness of their customers and employees. As a reminder, 72% of people who like music in-store say a shop playing music is more inviting, according to research conducted by VisionCritical. And, out of those shoppers who noticed in-store music, 40% will stay longer in a shop if they feel the music is well-chosen for the environment. Imagine if that in-store audio experience translates to online.

It’s also a way to continue to gather valuable information on customers if, in order to get the playlist, they have to provide an email address or other information. Who knew a customized in-store music experience could go so much further than just something pleasant to listen to?

On-Demand Audio Announcements

Businesses can also use on-demand audio announcements to remind shoppers of sales, events or special offers. By also using online channels to promote these offers, shoppers can feel a sense of consistency going from on to offline. If a retailer promotes an offer on their social media channels, reminding them of that offer through in-store announcements can have a two-fold impact. For those customers already following or engaging with the brand on social media, it will remind them to take advantage of the offer. As an added bonus, for some of those who haven’t yet engaged on social media, an in-store announcement may drive them to do just that.

For example, a retail store may have an offer running in their Instagram feed with a special code for a discount on a back-to-school outfit. Using in-store audio to remind shoppers of that offer can improve both the engagement with the offer and the engagement with that particular social media platform.

Drive App Adoption

If a business is looking for ways to increase adoption rates of their app, in-store audio announcements can be just the thing to see results. By downloading and engaging with a mobile app, customers are letting the brand into their most intimate space: their mobile device.

Merging apps that offer online pre-pay and pick up with successful loyalty programs can be very lucrative. Take Starbucks for example. Their app boasts approximately 19 million monthly active users. The app has been so successful that their mobile app sales account for nearly 30% of total sales at rush hour, with order ahead actually increasing wait times for regular customers. About 43% of customers interacting with companies through these programs do so on a weekly basis.

Using in-store audio announcements to remind shoppers of all the value the app provides can increase adoption, engagement, and subsequently, overall sales.

While it may be often overlooked, audio can provide the tipping point for many customers. It is an easy way to merge the digital with the physical, giving customers increased value from every angle.

Interested in learning more? Request a demo of Vibenomics today and learn how you can start dayparting your music and in-store announcements.