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Beyond the Logo — Three Essential Reasons to Control Your Brand In-Store
You’ve poured countless hours into your brand — perfecting every pixel of your logo, crafting the perfect slogan to walk the line between “to the point” and “can’t get it out of…
October 31, 2018

You’ve poured countless hours into your brand — perfecting every pixel of your logo, crafting the perfect slogan to walk the line between “to the point” and “can’t get it out of my head,” and your Pantone color codes are the only numbers you can remember these days. Your brand is your baby, and rightfully so, but what are you doing to protect it in your space?

Your brand heavily determines how both new and loyal customers interact with your business. While it feels like you’ve really made it when your brand attributes finally get the street credit they deserve, these tangible parts of your brand are simply ways to spark thought. By controlling your brand and extending it through your space, your customers are given a full-circle experience that can differentiate you from your competitors. An Audio Experience Solution (AES) allows you to help dictate the customer experience and further solidify your brand in the mind of consumers while they are in your space. The following are some additional benefits that tapping into your customers’ auditory senses can have on your business:

Establishes the company’s vibe

The right music can create the feeling that your visual brand attempts to provide, with the ability to strike on additional emotional factors that visuals cannot do alone. Having your vibe match consumers’ previously established perception of your brand will only improve the overall in-store experience. Pairing your product with the perfect tunes will create brand associations that extend beyond your walls and provide a more continuous experience. With all of the unique features, such as thoughtful messaging strategy, enterprise control, and API integration that only an AES system can provide, your company has the ability to create a unique in-store experience for customers, only strengthening brand associations.

Uniquely positions your brand

The best place for your brand to be is top-of-mind! A good playlist can make the in-store experience more enjoyable, but a well-used Audio Experience Solution can keep customers coming back. Carefully curating the playlist and messaging can target customers in a way that makes them feel like valued members of the organization. Targeting your ideal customers through the thoughtful use of today’s top hits, fan favorites, or the best classics can not only make them feel at home in your environment but also add another sensory element to your brand and make the experience within your space feel more individualized and unique.

Reinforce organizational goals

Promise the lowest prices? Support a charitable organization? Sprinkling in audio messages in-store can spark attention and remind customers of company values — further establishing the brand and keeping it memorable. Additionally, catching customer attention can help them engage in your brand mission beyond simply purchasing your product or service.

Interested in learning more? Request a demo of Vibenomics today and learn how you can start creating on-brand music and messaging for your in-store customers using the pioneering Audio Experience Solution.

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