Industry Insights
3 Ways In-Store Audio Helps Retailers Battle the Amazon Effect
Audio Out-of-Home advertising technology gives retailers the ability to reach consumers with customized messages and advertisements at the point of purchase.
July 22, 2021

The numerous furloughs and bankruptcy filings over the course of the past year have proven that the pandemic has caused an immense strain on the retail industry. Consumers avoided in-person shopping experiences and instead found alternative ways to continue their buying habits. While big-box retailers, such as Walmart and Target, were able to withstand the economic upheaval, even the most established brands are seeing shifts in e-commerce shopping, various delivery and curbside pick-up options, and consumer behavior across brick and mortar locations. This drastic change in consumer behavior has accelerated the phenomenon known as the Amazon Effect, and has made it difficult for brands to meet new demands and expectations. With this shift in buying behavior, consumers have come to expect targeting, personalization, and convenience.  However, with Audio Out-of-Home technology (Audio OOH), businesses are able to overcome this change by framing their brand, driving higher sales, and enhancing the customer’s in-store experience. 

1) Audio OOH Helps Frame Your Brand

Audio Out-of-Home advertising technology gives retailers the ability to reach consumers with customized messages and advertisements at the point of purchase. Utilizing consumer demographics, location-based customization, and personalized messaging can help maximize the impact of Audio OOH. Not only do retailers have the unique opportunity to reach customers along the path to purchase, but the ability to tailor music, messaging, and advertisements based on the target audience’s characteristics, behaviors, and expectations. Audio OOH allows retailers to deliver environmental consistency and frame their brand in the way they wish to be perceived by consumers. With Audio OOH, retailers have the opportunity to generate a carefully crafted environment, giving their customers an enhanced understanding of the brand. 

2) Audio OOH Contributes to Driving Sales 

With the advanced technology and well-placed advertisements, Audio OOH enables retail locations to move product on the shelf, leading to higher return. Delivering messages to the consumer when propensity to spend is highest along the path to purchase, turns those impulsive buys into strategically selected purchases. As a matter of fact, 70% of shoppers make their purchase decisions in-store, making it the best place to influence an impulsive purchase. This creative and strategic method of messaging increases advertisers’ return on ad-spend (ROAS) and sales, because not only are shoppers more inclined to purchase these products, but the subconscious listening instills brand awareness, recognition, and loyalty. Consumers’ likelihood of leaving their comfort zone to try new products, remember that forgotten item on a shopping list, and make repeat purchases is higher when utilizing Audio OOH technology. 

3) Audio OOH Enhances the In-Store Experience

Consumers have come to expect the same personalization in physical retail locations that they have become accustomed to in the world of e-commerce based on the advancements in digital and online advertising methods. Not only does Audio OOH technology offer data-driven, measurable, and programmatic automation of advertisements, but it enhances the in-store customer experience. 80% of consumers are more likely to purchase from a company that offers a personalized experience. When advertisers shift their focus on increasing engagement and loyalty to stand out among competitors in the market and meet the evolving shopper expectations, customers will begin to develop a level of loyalty for specific retailers. 

Both retailers and brands can benefit from utilizing Audio Out-of-Home  in physical retail locations. Audio OOH enables retailers to increase sales while improving the customer experience when propensity to spend is highest. Vibenomics, the pioneer in Audio OOH, provides retailers with the cloud-based technology and industry expertise to frame their brand, enhance the in-store experience, build brand loyalty and drive higher sales. Allowing locations to control the in-store vibe through background music, live announcements, and promotional messaging, Vibenomics powers audio channels for retailers, giving brands the ability to talk to shoppers directly at the point of sale, battling the Amazon-Effect.

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