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3 Key Insights from P2PI's Retail Media Summit
Even amidst the haze of wildfire smoke, our time in Chicago at the Path to Purchase Institute's (P2PI's) Retail Media Summit was nothing short of extraordinary! P2PI’s Retail Media Summit…
July 7, 2023

Even amidst the haze of wildfire smoke, our time in Chicago at the Path to Purchase Institute’s (P2PI’s) Retail Media Summit was nothing short of extraordinary! P2PI’s Retail Media Summit is an annual event with the goal of breaking away from traditional patterns of thinking and encouraging attendees to tap into new strategies that fully leverage the power of Retail Media. By embracing innovative approaches and adopting effective Retail Media strategies, participants can enhance their omni-channel initiatives and drive better results for their brands.  

There was a wide array of industry topics covered at this year’s P2PI’s Retail Media Summit designed to help CPG brands and retailers navigate the complicated and rapidly shifting arena of Retail Media. 

A few agenda items to highlight from this year’s Retail Media Summit include:

  1. Keynote: Andrea Leigh (Allume Group) emphasized the importance of meeting the shopper where they’re at and explained how in-store has a higher US monthly audience reach than digital.
  2. Session: Cara Pratt (Kroger Precision Marketing) highlighted the transformative impact of Retail Media on the industry and stressed the significance of adopting a unified marketing approach. 
  3. Campfire: Brian Gildenberg (CPG Guys Podcast) and Andrew Lipsman (Insider Intelligence) stressed the significance of Retail Media in building up the product and ensuring it’s not interfered with.
  4. Panel: Arthur Sylvestre (Danone) and Sheri Pasuco (Newell Brands) shared insights on how to effectively organize, budget, and measure success during the next wave of Retail Media growth.

3 Key Insights 

If you missed out on this year’s Retail Media Summit or just need a refresher, fret not! Here are Vibenomics’ 3 key insights from the 2023 Retail Media Summit –

  1. Retail Media is Changing Advertising 
  2. Meet the Shopper Where They’re At
  3. ROAS Isn’t the Only Metric for Success

1. Retail Media is Changing Advertising 

Retail Media is changing advertising’s impact and effectiveness. Keynote speaker Andrea Leigh, founder of Allume Group, stated, “Advertising is the force that opens up people’s minds to new possibilities.” Leigh’s statement highlights the influential role that advertising plays in shaping consumer behavior and perceptions. In the context of Retail Media, which refers to advertising strategies and technologies employed by retailers to monetize their digital platforms and reach their customers, there’s been notable shifts in the impact and effectiveness of advertising strategies and solutions.  

One of the key advantages of Retail Media is its ability to reach and influence consumers at every stage along the shopping journey. Through targeted advertising on their digital platforms, retailers can engage with customers during the awareness stage, introducing them to new products and brands. By tailoring advertisements based on consumer preferences and browsing behavior, retailers can deliver meaningful messages that resonate with the audience, capturing their attention and encouraging them to explore new products.

Retail Media has revolutionized the way consumers interact with advertising. By leveraging their digital platforms and first-party loyalty data, retailers enable brands to deliver personalized and targeted omni-channel campaigns that open up new possibilities for consumers. This shift has not only made advertising more effective but has also allowed retailers to measure and optimize their campaigns more accurately. As a result, advertising has become a powerful force in influencing consumer perceptions and driving consumer behavior in the modern retail landscape.

2. Meet the Shopper Where They’re At 

Meeting shoppers in the physical store is a critical element of implementing a successful Retail Media strategy. Despite the growth of e-commerce and online shopping, 91% of sales happen in-store. In-store is also the closest proximity to the product. Therefore, it’s important for retailers to focus on enhancing the in-store experience and leverage Retail Media to engage and influence shoppers.

Brands increase their reach by 70% when they focus on in-store. Andrea Leigh (Alume Group) shared a bar chart that compared in-store US monthly audience reach to digital US monthly audience reach. The data showed an increased audience reach in-store compared to digital for well-known retailers like Lowes, Walgreens, Kroger, and Costco. This information underscores the importance of investing in strategies that optimize the in-store experience and effectively utilize Retail Media to engage and influence shoppers. 

There’s no denying that technology advancements are making it easier and more efficient to put the right content in front of the right customer when propensity to spend is highest. While sometimes digital displays can limit the impact of shopper behavior due to restricted exposure and engagement, in-store audio’s ubiquitous nature has the ability to influence shoppers at the point of purchase because:

  • Audio is a ubiquitous in-store solution
  • Audio is non-skippable
  • Audio can direct shoppers to a specific location within the store 

Think of the shopping journey as a funnel. Brands want to increase awareness through audio in-store, drive intent by getting the shopper to the right aisle, and enable conversion by getting the shopper to care enough to make a purchase. 

3. ROAS Isn’t the Only Metric for Success

ROAS (Return on Ad Spend) is a crucial metric for measuring the effectiveness of advertising campaigns in terms of generating revenue. However, when it comes to Retail Media, there are additional metrics and considerations beyond ROAS that are important to understand and leverage in determining whether or not a campaign is deemed successful. One such aspect is the focus on consumer relationships. Advertisers can gain a comprehensive understanding of the impact of their advertising efforts through the following metrics:

  • Conversion
  • Discovery
  • Incremental lift
  • Lifetime value 
  • New to brand
  • Share of voice 
  • Household increase

Consistent measurement remains a crucial aspect in assessing campaign success. Standardizing reporting and data transparency is a top priority, although it requires significant effort from both brands and retailers to establish this consistency and measure impact accurately.

While ROAS remains an essential metric for measuring the financial performance of your advertising efforts, it’s crucial to recognize the broader benefits of Retail Media beyond immediate sales lift. By focusing on consumer relationships, you can cultivate loyalty, advocacy, and long-term value, ultimately contributing to the growth and success of your business.

Wrap Up

P2PI’s Retail Media Summit proved to be a beneficial event, offering a deep understanding of the ever-changing landscape of Retail Media. The knowledge gained from this event will undoubtedly benefit CPGs, retailers, and solution providers in their pursuit of enhancing omni-channel initiatives and achieving superior outcomes for their brands and businesses.

By embracing the insights shared at the summit, organizations can navigate the evolving world of advertising, recognize the significance of engaging with shoppers in-store, and prioritize consumer relationships in their measurement strategies. Armed with this knowledge, they will be well-equipped to adapt to the dynamic nature of Retail Media, connect with their target audience effectively, and achieve sustainable growth in the competitive retail industry.

Onto the next one! Don’t miss out on P2PI LIVE 2023 in St. Louis this upcoming November. P2PI LIVE is a premier event that aims to provide a comprehensive and enriching experience for professionals in the commerce marketing industry. Join Vibenomics as we continue to revolutionize the next generation of Retail Media in-store!

About Path to Purchase Institute 

Path to Purchase Institute (P2PI) is a global association that provides insights, knowledge, and networking opportunities to consumer goods professionals involved in the path to purchase. They focus on helping businesses understand and optimize the consumer journey from the initial consideration of a product to the final purchase decision. 

P2PI offers a variety of resources, including research reports, case studies, webinars, and events, to help their members stay up-to-date on industry trends and best practices. They also provide a platform for networking and collaboration among professionals in the consumer packaged goods (CPG) industry.

Getting Started with Vibenomics

Vibenomics, a Mood Media Company, is the leading in-store digital advertising provider. Our platform provides a single, all-in-one Retail Media network, empowering retailers to digitize their on-premise experience and advertisers to connect with customers via display, audio and experiential channels. 

Through a first-of-its-kind turnkey solution, this model delivers the ubiquity and revenue-generating capabilities needed to drive the next iteration of Retail Media. Ready to learn how Vibenomics can elevate your Retail Media strategy? Click here to engage with Vibenomics today!

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