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Unlocking Retail Insights from Vibenomics' Latest White Paper
Retail media is booming, transforming how brands engage with consumers at the point of purchase. With retail media ad spend skyrocketing from $1 billion in 2016 to an anticipated $59.98…
July 16, 2024

Retail media is booming, transforming how brands engage with consumers at the point of purchase. With retail media ad spend skyrocketing from $1 billion in 2016 to an anticipated $59.98 billion in 2024 (Emarketer, 2023), it’s clear that in-store media continues to become a more critical component of modern marketing strategies. However, the true potential of in-store media remains untapped due to inconsistent measurement methods and fragmented data sources. 

Vibenomics’ latest white paper, “In-Store Impressions Unlocked: To the Roof, Under the Roof, In the Zone,” addresses these challenges head-on, offering a comprehensive guide for brands and retailers on how to navigate in-store audiences and gain accurate audience insights.

Overcoming Inconsistent Measurement Methods

One of the biggest hurdles in retail media is the need for standardized metrics for measuring in-store impressions. Current methods are inconsistent because they rely on disparate data sources and varied methodologies across retail networks. This inconsistency makes it difficult for retailers to quantify the value of their in-store media inventory and for advertisers to receive reliable and consistent audience insights. 

Vibenomics’ white paper presents an applicative solution by advocating for clear audibility and viewability metrics. These metrics provide a comprehensive understanding of audience sizing, providing retailers and advertisers with accurate, trusted, and reliable data. 

The Digital In-Store Retail Media Opportunity

Digital in-store retail media (digital displays, audio messaging, interactive kiosks, mobile integration, and experiential marketing), offers significant opportunities for retailers looking to connect with consumers. These channels engage shoppers, influence purchase decisions, and drive sales. 

The rapid expansion of retail media underscores its importance in the advertising landscape, with technological advancements enabling retailers to implement dynamic digital advertising solutions. However, to fully capitalize on this potential, retailers must overcome the evolving standards and precise methods for measuring in-store impressions. This white paper includes insights and strategies from industry leaders looking to navigate these challenges. 

Understanding the Digital In-Store Audience 

Retailers must clearly understand their digital in-store audience to monetize their Retail Media Networks (RMNs) effectively. However, the current approach to understanding in-store audiences must be more cohesive. The white paper highlights the importance of a comprehensive in-store audience measurement strategy, emphasizing the need for strategic partnerships, data-driven content strategies, omnichannel integration, and consumer benefits.

Identifying the Value of an In-Store Impression 

Accurate audience measurement is crucial for retailers looking to maximize the value of their RMNs and advertisers looking to optimize their in-store strategies. The white paper breaks down the components of in-store impressions, such as audience detection, ad exposure, and audibility/viewability. By understanding these components, retailers can create measurable units of ad exposure that aid in identifying the reach, frequency, and impact of in-store media campaigns. 

Creating the Impression Value of a Store 

The white paper emphasizes the importance of a standardized approach to accurate and comprehensive audience measurement. It details the collaborative efforts of Vibenomics,, and Quividi to develop next-generation in-store impression calculations. By integrating diverse data inputs, these companies create a more precise and comprehensive baseline for in-store media performance.  

Delivering Accurate In-Store Impressions 

Vibenomics’ white paper aligns with the Interactive Advertising Bureau’s (IAB) efforts to create a unified approach to in-store impression measurement. By leveraging location analytics and in-store sensor data, retailers can gain accurate impression counts and deduplicate audience reach. This standardized framework drives greater confidence and investment in in-store retail media. 

The Future of In-Store Media

As the in-store retail media industry evolves, leveraging advanced technologies and reliable data will be crucial. The white paper underscores the importance of accurate audience measurement and targeted ad placement, leading to higher ROI and improved attribution. By capitalizing on and testing frequently, retailers and advertisers can refine their in-store media strategies, optimize content, and efficiently allocate resources. 

Vibenomics‘ white paper, “In-Store Impressions Unlocked: To the Roof, Under the Roof, In the Zone,” is an essential resource for brands and retailers looking to navigate the complexities of in-store audiences. This white paper paves the way for a more standardized, transparent, and practical approach to in-store media by addressing inconsistent measurement methods and providing actionable insights. Download your copy of the white paper today!

Getting Started with Vibenomics

Vibenomics, a Mood Media Company, is the leading in-store digital provider with an in-store network that reaches over 170 million monthly unique shoppers and 1 billion monthly shopping visits in the United States. Our platform provides a single, all-in-one retail media network, empowering advertisers to deliver an on-premise experience and connect with consumers via display, audio, and experiential channels.

Ready to elevate your retail media strategy with in-store audio? Click here to engage with Vibenomics today.

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